4. What additional benefits would you like to see WISPA offer if dues are


1.       Lets do a better job of what we ARE doing first. WISPA should also
start putting on it's own wireless show.  [This has been considered for
several years, with limited funds, we chose to partner with ISPCON to
develop the Wireless Tracks for the last two years.  We are also open to
other partnerships, we will be attending Animal Farm in January and I
believe Charles is planning another WINOG show this spring although  I don't
have details yet.]

2.       Insurance discounts, Document/contract storage area, Bandwidth
agregation, More Vendor Discounts, More of a forum in some descussions other
than listserve. BETTER WEBSITE [Good ideas and taken to heart]

3.       Personally, I would like to see a summary of things WISPA may be
looking at on the member and non member list, maybe once a month. WIMAX,
Vendors, legislation, etc. [Such as a newsletter?]

4.       sample contracts for: service, SLA, Towers etc. Employee handbook
sample special deals for WISPA Members [This is in process but it will take
contributors to build the document reserve]

5.       Buying groups, very effective in other industries I have been part
of.  [I will be attending the FISPA Annual Conference this spring and will
hopefully learn more about how a "buying group" association operates.
Although this has been discussed over the years, it was not our primary
focus.  That being said, it is something we are going to attempt to educate
ourselves on more in the coming months]

6.       Usda Paper work help  [I assume you are talking about grant/loan
writing, this may be something that we can get arranged in a buying group

7.       Information pool about WISP insurance!  [Good Idea]

8.       Maybe some kind of joint advertizing. Maybe some kind of legal
advisers and defense. [Can you further define joint advertising?  Something
like "Got Milk"?  Legal assistance may be obtained by WISPA membership
buying groups]

9.       Sample contracts specific to our industry. General business HR
documents. Legal Q&A section or list serve that WIPA's pays for basic
replies from an atty., or an atty that "sponsors" such a section.  [In

10.   Buying groups, documents, passworded site with super vault filled with

11.   Hire an ED or AMC [Currently a high priority and is being debated on
the Board currently]

12.   legal help - discounts from telecom lawyers, contracts, leases, govt.
form filings, etc... kind of a group purchase arrangement for legal
services. None of my local lawyers claim to know anything related to our
industry.  [See above]

13.   WHITE spaces help!  [We are!  Further definition would be helpful]

14.   Discounts, Comprehensive Coverage Maps, More Legal Documents online
[See above, Brian Webster has offered coverage map services for some time
and has recently posted about it]

15.   Group buying power both for products and services. [See above]

16.   Better website with legal templates, etc. available for member use
[See above, one or two board members are working on website needs now]

17.   Member access to a library of useful information for example: forms,
technical info, etc.  [This is a popular suggestion and is so noted, see

18.   Not aware of benefits.  [I do hope this series of emails on the survey
comments is being helpful in defining the current and future benefits.]




Rick Harnish

General Manager - Midwest Region

Great American Broadband



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