
  Given your position on this issue, I have to believe that your
comments are partially tongue-in-cheek.  The telcos have had a
government-mandated monopoly for over 50 years where they were allowed
to collect monopolistic profits to build the grand network that they
possess today.  They own their cable plants as a direct result of the
money that the public contributed (and continue to contribute in most
areas) to them; not because they were one of the competitors offering
a top-notch service.  The ILECs continue to control last-mile access
to consumers not because it is impossible for competitors to mirror
their connectivity, but because it is cost-prohibitive to build that
infrastructure when the expected gross return hovers around $300/year

  ILECs aren't comparable to cable providers for three reasons: 1)
cable providers generally built their networks from capitol generated
from their operations without financial assistance from the government
and were not granted taxation authority to subsidize network
construction a la USF; 2) Cable providers' services have not been a
nearly required utility for the past 50 years.  3) Cable providers
have cost-analogous competition in virtually every market from
Satellite based television providers, video rental stores, online
information services, etc.

ILECs aren't comparable to WISPs for the same reasons above and for
these additional reasons: 1) WISPs for the most part haven't had any
assistance from the public sector that wasn't available to any other
business at the time; 2) WISPs could have a viable competitor enter
their market at any time for a relatively low start-up cost.  The only
potentially limiting factor is tower locations and as many of you
know, if one municipality rejects you, you just beam it in from
outside the town [2]; 3) Most WISPs have little power to eliminate
competition by undercharging because they don't have the ability to
generate monopolistic profits from other operations.

The ILECs are deathly afraid that the government will not allow them
to exclusively exploit their monopoly-gained infrastructure because
they know that their operation is so incredibly inefficient and
out-dated that they can't compete with other carriers even when they
are on slightly-elevated ground.  If $14.95/month business 1.5MB DSL
isn't desperate dumping to eliminate competition, I don't know what
is.  They couldn't do this without their monopoly phone line revenue
from the past 75 years.  How much do they charge for a T-1?
$700/month?  Is it really that much different?

Allowing ILECs to prevent competitors from using their newly-built
infrastructure in 2004 was a shaky proposition because they usually
possess the ability to build that infrastructure as a direct result of
their previous monopoly.  Allowing ILECs to prevent others from using
their existing infrastructure that was paid for as a direct result of
their monopoly amounts to nothing less than government corporate
welfare which will lead to fewer choices for consumers [3] and higher
prices [4] for the services that they have the privilege of ordering
from the duopoly.

 - Tony

P.S.  Anyone want to bid on this with me?  Oh, you don't have enough
capital?  I can't imagine why...

[1] Assuming $50/month revenue and a 50% chance that they choose a
competitor.  Yes, I know that we can bundle services to get this
number to $100 or more, but that generally hasn't happened and it's
simpler to just talk about Internet-based services.  Additionally, the
_net_ return from an individual consumer probably hovers around
$200/year.  Can you even build wireless connectivity for this kind of
return while running the inefficient operations that the ILECs have?

[2] Maybe this part of WISP operations should be regulated.  I can see
some benefit to having an equal-access-to-towers regulation that
covers all structures in an economically- or politically-limited tower

[3] Most ISPs rely on ILEC connectivity for either last-mile access to
their customers or for their interconnectivity to the Internet.  If
the ILECs are allowed to discontinue or artificially inflate the cost
of these services we will see a similar loss-of-competition that
occurred three years ago with competing DSL providers.

[4] They will probably look lower though. I am amazed by how foolish
most consumers act.  Many actually believe that $14.95/month DSL +
$50/month (required) phone line is a better deal than $35/month
Internet and $25/month (optional) phone line.  Maybe a consistent
pricing system is a better way for government to foster broadband

On 8/4/2005 12:07 PM, Charles Wu created:
> Here's the issue
> If you vote to regulate the bells, then you (as WISPs) must also be ready to
> ultimately submit yourself (or at least your facilities based network
> infrastructure) to regulation sometime in the near future - to requote
> myself...the government won't support "double standards"
> Good or bad, that's hard to say
> -Charles
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