[WISPA] Yup, lemmings

2007-05-03 Thread maybemenot
It seems that what we really have is mis-placed priority.
Apparently it is more of an outrage to wear fur, than to target an 
immature industry and push it into extinction.

kudos to digg they stood firm with their constituents and re-
allowed posting of the hd code crack. 

kudos to the millions world wide whom have realised the real 
dangers of DCMA and are fighting it.

I ask you guys and gals this...
The traffic of interest. What are its characteristics?
If it is someone trafficking illegal content to the world at large 
via encrypted p2p, then obviously that traffic will route and 
terminate via  a core facility at some point. I have toured 
Broadwing's photonic backbone facilities and there are tap points 
in place for diagnostic / maintenance / LEA access purposes. That 
said, it's a moot point to capture traffic off your network if it 
such that it will ride to any of the core routers.

So the focus of the traffic request must be of a more local nature 
in order for there to be a need to involve you as a network 
operator. Well, if the LEA has established that 'suspect x' (yes 
suspect, not guilty till proven guilty remember?) is gaining 
connectivity via your network, they have either determined this via 
financial or data capture investigatory methodology. If their 
concern is to tap the packets of said suspect, why not deploy a 
team with wireless intercept?

It is not outside of their technical capacity, after all, America 
is the master if sigint/comint. It would NOT be very expensive in 
equipment nor training to present each LEA with this capacity. Then 
they could go intercept and sift the materials themselves.

The forces at play are much more sinister I think. By placing the 
onus upon us as business owners, they are shirking both their 
financial and civil liabilities. 

Rest assured that the current posture of applying calea to our 
networks is really pretty much bunk. The very need for the  tap to 
be local to my network means that they are interested in traffic 
which is both originating and terminating on my network. As such, I 
say  that if they want the data, go park a van and intercept the 
frames, and do what you need to, but do so with your finances 
paying for it and put the legal burden and liability of such 
activity where it belongs... with the  LEA themselves.

For instance, in my area there are 5 wifi network operators. Rather 
than   each of us operators going to the expense, why net let the 2 
or 3 local LEAs purchase and train personnel to handle the 
intercept? Why create a regulatory burden / liability upon myself 
as a small operator?   

The LEAs should be responsible for carrying out their 
investigations and dealing with the determination of what 
information is applicable to warrant, not me.

Operating as a CLEC we actually have a regulatory affairs 
department which handles reviewing subpoena, making determination 
of application, and then (after information specifics are approved) 
it is handed off to tech department for CDR collection, and/or tap 
activation and portal access activation.

Its really sad to see people bashed for standing up for their 
rights. I am especially proud of our veterans whom have undertaken 
the ultimate responsibility of maintaining these rights.

Civil disobedience is completely appropriate with regard to this.

carry on, be proud, be free!

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[WISPA] Lemmings Followup

2007-04-26 Thread maybemenot
Mr. Koskenmaki,
I am sorry to see that you felt a flame was directed upon you. 

Personally, I take the reference to Tim May as an undeserved 
complement. But Tim's works do pre-date a lot of the younger crowd. 
BTW, Tim's manifesto is well worthy of the few minutes of time it 
will take anyone interested to track down and read.

First, I want to make it clear that my reason for anonymity has 
everything to do with not wishing my business related affiliations 
to be impacted by these posts. I wish it were not so, but the 
reality is that I do not enjoy separation of work life from 
personal life in this list.

Ok, back to the point, Marlon asked, what should we be doing.

EXCELLENT question.

SUGGESTIONS of what to do:
1) Inform the AP / UPI that as an industry group, we have decided 
to stage a cyclic disconnect from public Inet in protest.
2) As a group, inform the subs what we are doing so they are not in 
the dark and clueless. Try to recruit their support.
3) Present to the press the WISPA member total subs count, and ask 
for the FCC / Gov to really evaluate the economic impact to GDP per 
state / national level that shutting off wisps would result in.
4) Also, notify NCTA to please issue a revised broadband survey 
report with wisp networks removed, thus likely bring the USA from 
30th in the world to 40th or 50th in broadband deployment. This MAY 
have other consequences such as the world bank / OECD may feel 
obligated to stick their noses into the USA political processes.
5) Most IMPORTANTLY... Expend resources to properly investigate, 
report, and expose the apparent impropriety that exists in telco / 
cableco lobby connections to the DOJ and SEC.
6) Begin in an honest effort to negotiate / create secured WIRELESS 
and/or wholly operator owned wired interconnects amongst WISPA/CLEC 
7) Publish ideas for encouraging CO-OP style community network 
I feel like the YOKE placed upon WISPs by CALEA compliance 
requirements is misplaced. Simply put, IMHO, it has been leveraged 
as a tool to exercise control over your growth. In fact to stifle 
that growth.

I have said enough and my real objective has been accomplished. 
Signing off now, for good. Thanks to all for your efforts as WISPs 
and as WISPA members. 

To Marlon, Scriv, Dave, your efforts and dedication have made this 
much bigger than I initially thought it could be. Perhaps though, 
it is time to increase the size of the effort overall and approach 
the CLEC groups (Comptel/Ascent) members to see if there may be a 
long term relation which can be formed as an effort to disrupt the 
reformation of monopolistic practices in the communication systems. 
I know we can present acceptable options to the American Public at 
large, and it must start with education, press, and getting the 
options to be understood.

If WISPA forms a committee for integrating with CLECs, I will be 
keeping watch of your progress, and gladly contribute to said 
committee from a distance.

Peace and Freedom,

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Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/