* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
* http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
* http://www.wispa.org/         * WISPA Board Member               *
* http://blog.butchevans.com/   * Wired or Wireless Networks       *

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2008 17:33:03 -0500
From: Stephen Coran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: WISPA Board Members List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Board] FCC White Spaces Decision

Today, at about 4:30 EST, the FCC adopted rules for the TV white spaces.
The meeting was supposed to start at 11 AM, but was postponed until
about 4 PM as the Commissioners (apparently) reconciled some of their

Thanks to John Scrivner (who set up a chat room) and Butch Evans (who
set up a conference bridge), members of the committee were able to
listen to the meeting and provide some instant feedback.

Details at this point are a bit sketchy because the full text of the
order is not out yet, but here is what we learned:

- The FCC will allow fixed and personal/portable unlicensed devices in
the white spaces
- fixed devices will be registered in a geolocation database - not clear
on power limits, but presume 4 watts EIRP
- personal/portable devices will either be registered through a "master"
or by individual unit
- wireless mics will be registered and protected from interference
- all devices will be certified by the FCC's lab
- sensing devices are only authorized under a proof of performance
standard and further testing ("not ready for prime time," in the words
of Commissioner Copps)

In addition, the FCC will launch a Notice of Inquiry to see if there is
a need for licensed spectrum for rural backhaul/point-to-point use.  Two
of the Commissioners would have preferred a Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, which is a more direct path to rules, but there was not
enough support for that.

When will the full text of the order be out?  Not sure, but probably in
the next few weeks.

What will WISPA do?  A good topic for discussion once the order and the
NOI are released, but there will no doubt be much discussion.

A summary of the rules and the Commissioners' statements should be
posted to the FCC's web page (www.fcc.gov) by tomorrow.  We'll have a
more detailed report then.

Once again, thanks to all for your help and participation.

Stephen E. Coran
Rini Coran, PC
1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1325
Washington, D.C. 20036
202.463.4310 - voice
202.669.3288 - cell
202.296.2014 - fax
www.rinicoran.com <http://www.rinicoran.com/>
www.telecommunicationslaw.com <http://www.telecommunicationslaw.com/>

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