First, I would like to thank everyone for the support they have shown me 
as well as the great relationships I have made as a board and committee 
member with WISPA.  I am sure I can continue to serve the WISP community 
with WISPA, and I do look forward to doing so!   There are some 
questions that were posted to the candidates, and with the election 
looming, I wanted to make sure I addressed those!

Since some of you do not know me, I wished to give you some background. 

*/Dennis Burgess Bio/*

Dennis Burgess has been in the service provider business since 1992 when 
he started his first BBS.  This system grew to one of the larger BBS 
systems in the St. Louis area.  After testing out of several classes in 
college he graduated from Vatterott Technical College in 1997, 5 months 
early.  He obtained a Associates in Computer Electronics and another in 
Networking Technologies from Vatterott. Mr. Burgess was hired before 
graduation by a local IT Consulting company.  During the next few years 
Dennis worked for large construction firms, law offices, and other 
manufacturing businesses in and around Missouri and Illinois under 
several Consulting firms.  Typically he worked as a Network 
Administrator, Network Engineer and/or Project Engineer.  Typical 
projects were rolling out large shared server systems, clustered mail 
and terminal servers, as well a complete network router/engineering 
support for many clients.    Dennis also worked for a group of 
Harley-Davidson Dealerships that had very minimal networking between 
their locations to a full business-grade network including centralized 
management, support services and programmers on-staff as the Director of 
Information Technologies.    Mr. Burgess then started his own Wireless 
ISP service in the Festus and Hillsboro, MO area, that serviced the 
under serviced areas with high-speed internet access.  This Wireless ISP 
was sold and later merged with other businesses.  While running his 
WISP, Dennis also created a new company, Link Technologies, Inc. 

Link Technologies, Inc serves hundreds of Wireless and Non-Wireless 
Internet Service Providers around the USA, Canada, South America, 
Austria la, Europe and even Africa.  Link Technologies, Inc is a full 
service Mikrotik and routing support company that focuses on Mikrotik 
RouterOS as well as any other internet routing systems that their 
customers have a need for.  LTI also has deployed and worked with 
companies  such as CenturyTel, The US Navy, The Department of Homeland 
Security, and other large Internet providers around the USA.  Most of 
the work focuses on network design, network engineering, project 
management, network deployment and RF Engineering.  These include RF 
Path Analysis, Site Surveys and major network build-outs.

*What do you see as the top 3 priority items that need to be addressed 

First and foremost, we need to ensure a high quality organization.  To 
do this, we will need a dedicated person to the WISPA organization 
handing calls, ,managing memberships, as well as actively recruiting new 
members!  This is the future of WISPA, as it has been with many other 
organizations!  This will give WISPA the direction that it needs to go 
into the future by better maintaining WISPAs relationship with its most 
important asset, its members! 

Increasing membership is another goal!  To hire dedicated personnel, 
move froward with FCC and other hot topics that WISPs need to have a 
hand in costs! Raising dues could be used to create more income, 
however, being able to represent the majority of WISPs in the US would 
be a much better goal.  Not only would we have increased revenue from 
increased membership, but also the increased membership would be a 
significant resource for both existing and future members as well.  It 
would be nice to be able to say that WISPA represents 90+% of the known 
WISPS in the USA! 

Increasing that membership is good, but what will get those members to 
join!  Value!  We already have a very low cost of joining, however, that 
alone is not enough.  We need to have resources!  These resources are 
part of what the WISPA.ORG website as well as the new WIKI site is all 
about.  Members will have access to more resources in the future  and by 
us developing those resources, we will ensure that new members get the 
value they need out of WISPA to join! 

*What the the greatest hurdles faced by the WISPA industry in the short 
term?  In the long Term?

*Growing pains!  The next board will place many new seeds with the way 
WISPA operates.   WISPA operates as a completely volunteer organization 
right now, and in the future it will be able to better attend to its 
members by having the dedicated staff that the organization needs.  This 
growth shows the change from a cowboy attitude to a more professional 
organization with dedicated staff and member resources.

*There has been a great deal of debate about the dues structure -- what 
do you think should be done to provide resources to the Association for 
critical short term needs and to fund the growth?

*I think the dues and costs are low, however we do need to increase 
membership to increase the revenue.  Not only will we have more revenue 
for the things that WISPA members need and want, but we will also have a 
larger membership to be able to do this with!

*What is your position on the need for an Executive Director -- do we 
need a secretary type of person, a true "executive" that is well 
regarded by his/her peers, or something in between?*

I think a good starting point is a secretary type person, this may be 
what we need to increase the membership to be able to support an 
"executive" person.  Something in-between, that knows the industry as 
well as maybe a WISP themselves would also help the argument. 

*How does your background and experience make you a strong and viable 
candidate for the Board that will enable the Association to go to the 
next level?

I have been in the WISP market since 2001, and consulting for a good 
part of that.  Most of the customers I deal with are Wireless ISPs so I 
have a unique view of the wireless market in general.  I also will aways 
voice my opinion, regardless if it is a popular opinion or not. 




* -----------------------------------------------------------
Dennis Burgess, CCNA, A+, Mikrotik Certified Trainer
WISPA Board Member - <>
Link Technologies, Inc -- Mikrotik & WISP Support Services
WISPA Vendor Member*
*Office*: 314-735-0270 *Website*: 
*/ LIVE On-Line Mikrotik Training <>/*

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Rick Harnish wrote:
> The election ballots are set to go out Tuesday as per the schedule.  
> Ron Harden has asked 6 very good questions of the candidates.  They 
> can be found on the WISPA Home page under Ask The Candidates.  Please 
> submit your answers ASAP if you want your responses viewable by our 
> membership.  Thus far there have been only three responses.  If you 
> can't figure out how to post your comments, please send them to me and 
> I will post them for you.
> Thanks,
> Rick
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