Inside a single case w/ a 2 port mPCI unit, such as a LigoW or StarOs 

If using both cards on 5.3Ghz at full (fcc allowable) power, for different 
secotrs, how much spectral seperation do they need?
I can calculate what's required for the external Antenna isolation in order 
not to interfere, but not sure how much bleed over there actually is inside 
the case, between the adjacent cards.

With 10Mhz channels, can 5300 and 5320 be the two center channels 
effectively? (leaving 10Mhz free inbetween)
And if using 20Mhz channels, on 5300 and 5320? (adjacenet, no freq 

For the above example, assume using 25 ft Coax cables to external antennas 
(50 feet apart), antennas pointed 120deg apart, High F/B ratio directional 
panel antennas. Meaning interference at the antennas or polarity selection 
would not be a factor in answering the above question.

I'm asking this because, I am getting interference between the two PTPs from 
the dual unit, and my antennas are actually pretty close togeather, and I'm 
trying to get adjacent channels to work, and not sure if its caused by my 
antenna installations/positiioning or bleed over inside the case that isn't 

The radios are a CM9 and one of those newer WM 23a cards (forget exact model 
#, but the one currently shipping in Ligo and Lucaya systems.) Both cards 
are on same side of Main board and using UFL connector.

Tom DeReggi
RapidDSL & Wireless, Inc
IntAirNet- Fixed Wireless Broadband

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