I thought it important that all WISPs read Matt's report about his FCC testimony today so (after asking Matt's permission) I'm forwarding his email and hoping that all have a chance to read it.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WISPA Members] FCC USF Panel today
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 14:01:23 -0600
From: <mlar...@inventivemedia.net>
Reply-To: memb...@wispa.org
To: <memb...@wispa.org>

Hi all,

I thought I would drop in a few comments about the FCC’s USF workshop
that is going on today.   

Today’s workshop is focusing on the technical aspects of delivering
broadband.    The morning panel that I participated in included
representatives from Adtran (telco), CableLabs (cable), Juniper (mobile
wireless), ViaSat (satellite) and an economist from CostQuest.    

I had an opportunity to have a brief visit with Zach Katz, who is one of
Chairman Genachowski’s assistants,  and then had a couple of minutes with
the Chairman to talk about WISPs deploying broadband without any subsidies.

One of the big victories in my mind, was that during the introduction to
the panel and throughout the discussion, fixed wireless was mentioned
repeatedly.   We are having some success getting the message out that fixed
wireless is different than mobile wireless.   Commissioner McDowell made
some comments about USF disappearing, which I think most WISPA members
would like to see.    I was surprised to hear that from a commissioner.

I was originally slated to go second to last, but the cards were shuffled
and I ended up leading off.   My opening comments are published on my
Wireless Cowboys blog here:  http://www.wirelesscowboys.com/?p=173    I had
to tone down my usual disdain for toy broadband mobile wireless and
satellite and hatred of USF, but  I thought that I made solid points about
the performance and cost advantages of fixed wireless.    The rest of the
panelists were engineers and did not provide any real solid numbers about
cost of deployment.   I felt like my comments set a good tone for the rest
of the discussion and made a strong case for fixed wireless as being the
most cost effective and easiest to implement solution for delivering
broadband to unserved and underserved areas.

At no point during the discussion did I say that fixed wireless providers
needed to be getting subsidies.   My opening comments asked for fixed
wireless to get consideration during the development of the CAF.   
Consideration includes NOT subsidizing less capable (mobile
wireless/satellite) or more expensive (fiber/telco) technologies.   Zach
Katz mentioned that we need to do a better job of reporting our coverage
areas so that USF/CAF program doesn’t subsidize projects that will
overlap us.   This echoes previous feedback from the FCC that we need to do
a better job of reporting to the government and advertising to the public.

We were asked about what was the biggest problem we are facing right now. 
Online video was at the top of the list.   There was good discussion about
that, and I also brought up the need for more access to middle mile in
order to meet increasing consumer demands.   I mentioned that most WISPs
would rather put up their own middle mile than “deal with the devil”
and buy access from the telcos.

There is a comment that I made about fixed wireless being an excellent
transitional bridge toward the end goal of fiber to every home.   I have
seen a couple of negative responses to that comment.    The point I am
making is that it makes more sense to put in fixed wireless now to deal
with getting broadband to the people that don’t have it, so that they
have SOMETHING instead of waiting the years or decades it will take for
fiber to be installed at their homes.

Everything was pretty civil, but I did toss a “grenade” at the end
where I doubted that mobile wireless and satellite were going to be able to
meet the 4/1 standard.   

I have a few meetings lined up with people here tonight and tomorrow
morning and will continue to push the WISPA / fixed wireless agendas.

It was a big honor to represent WISPs at this event today.   I am so proud
of what WISPs have done and are doing and it felt great to get in the ring
and throw a few punches.   

Thank you to all of you who support WISPA.    I can’t even tell you how
much it means to me.

Matt Larsen


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