Though we live in a world where wireless and walled garden seem to go hand in hand, Sprint announced today that it will partner with open-access booster Google Inc. to create a mobile WiMAX portal for search, interactive communications, user-generated content and social networking.

The carrier also said it will provide open standard APIs for the Internet developer community to create customized, personalized and interactive services for customers.

Sprint has been saying for months that its WiMAX-based 4G service will be about taking the open Internet mobile — rather than offer a content-limited experience with one of those difficult, graphics-deficient interfaces that have become synonymous with “mobile Internet.” Taking a step toward fulfilling that promise, Sprint said that its network bandwidth, location detection and presence capabilities will be matched with Google’s communications suite, Google Apps, which combines the Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Talk services. Other WiMAX applications will include high speed Internet browsing, local and location-centric services, and multimedia services including music, video, TV and on-demand products.

rest of article here:

Thank you.


Peter Radizeski
RAD-INFO, Inc. - Telecom Specialist
813.963.5884 fax 866.575.9446

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