>From Fierce Broadband Wireless newsletter.....

1. NTIA drops 'buy American' requirements for broadband stimulus funds 

        By Lynnette Luna 

The federal government won't require the "buy American" stipulations it 
had originally planned to require of companies obtaining stimulus money 
to build broadband networks.

In a notice published Friday, the National Telecommunications and 
Information Administration (NTIA), which is distributing $5 billion of 
the $7.2 billion earmarked for broadband deployments in unserved and 
underserved areas, said the Secretary of Commerce granted a limited 
waiver of the buy American stipulation in the American Recovery and 
Reinvestment Act to broadband equipment used in broadband networks 
deployed using stimulus money.

The waiver includes switching, access, transport, routing, customer 
premise and billing equipment as well as end user devices. The waiver 
doesn't include optic cables, coaxial cables, cell towers and other 
facilities that are in abundance in the United States. For other 
equipment not on the list, companies can request waivers case by case.

Earlier this month, Cisco Systems and Alcatel-Lucent said they wanted 
the buy American provisions eliminated, arguing that the requirement 
for U.S.-made equipment would be "grossly inefficient" and a "radical 
departure" from normal practices. The two industry heavyweights also 
said such rules would slow down projects because telecom networks 
typically are made up of equipment from companies worldwide. Congress 
said funds provided under the law passed in February generally can't be 
used for iron, steel and factory goods not produced in the U.S.

For more:
see Telephony 

Related articles:
Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent say 'buy American' not feasible for stimulus 
Zhone: "Buy American" for broadband stimulus 

Read more about: Secretary Of Commerce 
Cisco Systems 
buy American 


Martha Huizenga
DC Access, LLC
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