Re: [WISPA] Playing by the rules??

2007-02-16 Thread Jack Unger


Remember the bell-shaped curve??

There are relatively few "exceptional" people and relatively few totally 
clueless people. Everyone else is more or less in the middle. I'd 
suggest the same holds true for the WISP (or any industry).
The top WISPs are likely aware of the power limitations and abiding by 
them. Most WISPs in the middle are probably aware of the power 
limitations and trying to the best of their ability to abide by them. 
The WISPs toward the bottom, the ones who give everyone else a bad name 

1. Aren't aware of the power regs and therefore not abiding by them.
2. Are aware of the power regs but have personality faults that lead 
them to believe that they can ignore the regs and not get caught.

To "tar" all WISPs with the same brush that the bottom-feeders deserve 
to be tarred with is IMHO, unfair. In general, I believe that the top 
WISPs are setting good examples.


rwf wrote:

I travel a lot, and over my travels I have become aware of some WISPS who
are using non-certified gear, or using certified gear in a non-certified

One of them puts an amp on almost everything.
Another just puts whatever raw boards he wants to in a box and hangs them
with whatever antenna he wants to use.
Another of them doesn't even do power calculations to determine EIRP on
big-dish links, they just use a big dish and turn up the wick to maximum
There was another one serving apartments who amped all his 2.4 omnis and
yagis and then had the nerve to tell the FCC that he was operating under
Part 18 (he's out of business now).

I actually was able to have a discussion with one of them recently and the
response was alarming:

1. They are "too busy" to worry about it- more business than they can
2. Someone else in the company "should" know what they are doing and it
isn't up to anyone else to question. 
3. They have bigger fish to fry.

Everyone on the block should play nice because it is a shared sandbox. A
$1000.00 per day fine one day might wake them up, but why should it come to
All the players should be setting good examples to the industry, and the
bigger players should set the best example!

Jack Unger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - President, Ask-Wi.Com, Inc.
Serving the License-Free Wireless Industry Since 1993
Author of the WISP Handbook - "Deploying License-Free Wireless WANs"
True Vendor-Neutral WISP Consulting-Training-Troubleshooting
Newsletters Downloadable from
Phone (VoIP Over Broadband Wireless) 818-227-4220

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[WISPA] Playing by the rules??

2007-02-16 Thread rwf
I travel a lot, and over my travels I have become aware of some WISPS who
are using non-certified gear, or using certified gear in a non-certified

One of them puts an amp on almost everything.
Another just puts whatever raw boards he wants to in a box and hangs them
with whatever antenna he wants to use.
Another of them doesn't even do power calculations to determine EIRP on
big-dish links, they just use a big dish and turn up the wick to maximum
There was another one serving apartments who amped all his 2.4 omnis and
yagis and then had the nerve to tell the FCC that he was operating under
Part 18 (he's out of business now).

I actually was able to have a discussion with one of them recently and the
response was alarming:

1. They are "too busy" to worry about it- more business than they can
2. Someone else in the company "should" know what they are doing and it
isn't up to anyone else to question. 
3. They have bigger fish to fry.

Everyone on the block should play nice because it is a shared sandbox. A
$1000.00 per day fine one day might wake them up, but why should it come to
All the players should be setting good examples to the industry, and the
bigger players should set the best example!

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