This thread is closed!  There is absolutely no reason to continue this
bashing and bereavement on list.  I'm not going to put up with this
continued bickering match.  Take it off-list.

Rick Harnish
OnlyInternet Broadband & Wireless, Inc.
Founding Member of WISPA

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Peter R.
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:21 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] RE: Are you for sale?

Michael Erskine (804) 436-9428 wrote:

> LOL.  I see I ruffled a few feathers.  Of course that works both ways.

You kind of like that.

> I guess you didn't actually read the FAQ or you would understand how 
> it was actually realized.  The last markup on the WISPA FAQ was done 
> by the FBIs CALEA attorney.

Yes. I did. The version out at is dated 
March 27. And no where in there does it say anything about written by 
the FBI. It says reviewed by numerous people.

> Don't you suppose if we had any worries at this point that we would be 
> in here telling you the sky was falling ourselves?  

Perhaps it is the carefree, "don't worry about compliance" attitude that 
makes me think that the grasp you have on the subject differs from the 
grasp other folks I have talked to (at the DOJ, at the FCC, with TTP's) 

At least the TTP's will tell you that it's an experiment. We don't know 
for sure it will work. There are many working parts and no one covers 
all of them. The only one with a tested product is Solera who has 
real-world experience doing this at the Winter Olympics alongside the 
Feds. And even their box is just DPI. That's only 1/3 of the solution.  
(Plans & Process being another third; filtering and transfer to the LEA 
per the court order the final third).

And people want a solution. You say it would be $200, but you don't say 
how, why, what. "Read the FAQ. Read the FAQ. It's easy."

I am still getting calls from people who are just finding out; have not 
filed any forms yet; and have no idea how to be compliant.  Am I selling 
a solution? No. In fact, I have spent hours researching CALEA so ISPs' 
that I deal with can be compliant and rest easy.

It is unlikely that a business only ISP will see a warrant, since most 
criminals sit at home. So Resi based WISP's will LIKELY see a warrant, 
because local, county and state police will have a new tool next week. 
(This from the DOJ, btw). And what is the majority of this list? Resi.  
So who will likely see a warrant? List members.

You try to get people to pay attention and follow the rules and move the 
industry forward and it's nothing but arguing, name calling, and other 
bull shit.

Good luck!


Peter Radizeski

WISPA Wireless List:



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