On Sep 17, 2021, at 21:29, Patrick McEvilly 
<patrick_mcevi...@harvard.edu<mailto:patrick_mcevi...@harvard.edu>> wrote:

This group has been a great help to us as we dealt with several issues over the 
past two weeks related to our Aruba wireless infrastructure.

Just to add our experiences to the mix…..Aruba came out with a more widely 
available C build last week.  We installed it on our beta/test 
controller cluster on Friday and are planning on doing one of our campus 
controller clusters tomorrow morning and then the other on Wednesday.  The 
other published mitigations have had us in a stable state over the past 10 days 
or so.  Then we are all waiting for the GA build in a couple of weeks.  
Fingers crossed…..thanks to everyone here and at Aruba who has been sharing 
very helpful information and working with us through all of this.

Julian Y. Koh
Director, Telecommunications and Network Services
Northwestern Information Technology

2020 Ridge Avenue #331
Evanston, IL 60208
Northwestern IT Web Site: <https://www.it.northwestern.edu/>
PGP Public Key: <https://bt.ittns.northwestern.edu/julian/pgppubkey.html>

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