Here is our technical solution used in addition to communication.  Our open 
SSID serves 2 purposes and is protected by a custom captive portal (DNS & 
destination IP Address restricted) that presents 2 options. 

The first option directs the user to CloudPath Xpressconnect to onboard to our 
802.1X SSID.

The second option allows them to register a mac address and is designed for 
non-802.1X devices such as game consoles. Registered devices bypass the portal 
page, but we block our internal website & Blackboard. No non-802.1X device 
needs that access. Users who try to access these denied sites get a portal page 
redirecting them to CloudPath XpressConnect to onboard to the Secure SSID.

We have used this process for a couple of years without major issues.

Bruce Osborne
Network Engineer - Wireless Team
IT Network Services

(434) 592-4229

Training Champions for Christ since 1971

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dickson [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 1:12 PM
Subject: educating users about getting onto .1X

Hi all,

How are people spreading the word to their user community that they need to go 
to the "onboarding" SSID first to configure for the ".1X" SSID? 

A small but significant percentage of our users are not doing this inuitively. 
They are connecting to the .1X SSID first, perhaps because it contains the word 
SECURE in the SSID. Because most devices lack the basic ingredients for 
EAP-TTLS they never successfully authenticate. At that point they either give 
up and connect to our open SSID permanently or they go to the Help Desk who 
(surpise!) tells them they need to run the configuration utility by going first 
to the "onboarding" SSID.

I realize this may be more of a communications problem than a technical one but 
I'd be interested to hear what folks are doing to steer their users to "go to 
this SSID first to configure for that SSID".


Michael Dickson
Network Analyst
Office of Information Technologies
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Voice 413.545.9639 

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