The situation is that we have 2 HA clusters of WiSM-2's in 2 separate
6503-E's (non-VSS).  One of the clusters has been periodically failing over,
from primary to secondary, and then about a week or so later, failing back
over.  I've opened a TAC case, and we've now opened a bugID on this.
Originally TAC thought it was a memory issue, but it doesn't seem to be the
case.  If it was hardware, I'd expect it to happen on one of the cluster
members, not both.  Just wanted to share the information in case anyone else
is seeing something similar.  







               Danny Eaton


               Snr. Network Architect

               Networking, Telecommunications, & Operations

               Rice University, IT

               Mudd Bldg, RM #205

               Jones College Associate

               Office - 713-348-5233

               Cellular - 832-247-7496



               Soli Deo Gloria

               Matt 18:4-6


G.K. Chesterton, "Christianity has not been tried and found wanting.  It's
been found hard and left untried."





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