Has been a while since this topic was discussed... We are seeing a
growing number of research initiatives in various wireless-oriented
niches. Wireless sensors, new protocols, new hardware- is a lot being
worked on and it often directly impacts (or is impacted by) the
production campus WLAN. At the same time, we have building
renovations/space reallocations and even new buildings going up that may
present an opportunity to come up with some shielded areas to separate
testing versus production WLAN use (often right next door to each
Has anyone actually worked with space owners or Design/Construction
folks to carve out multi-room RF-shielded areas? Any cost estimates on
either true Faraday cage or RF-painted/mesh-protected rooms? 
For those who haven't seen this sort of stuff, here are a few
interesting links:
Lee H. Badman
Wireless/Network Engineer
Information Technology and Services
Syracuse University
315 443-3003

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