[Ninux-Wireless] URGENT: BEREC wants to ban installing your own router

2019-11-21 Per discussione Ilario Gelmetti
Inoltro questa mail che e` arrivata oggi sulla lista del BattleMesh: BEREC wants to ban installing your own router https://fsfe.org/news/2019/news-20191120-01.html DEADLINE is at 5PM today! -- Ilario iocheson...@gmail.com ila...@sindominio.net ___

Re: [Ninux-Wireless] URGENT: BEREC wants to ban installing your own router

2019-11-21 Per discussione kiki
ce un accidente! riassunto pratico.. mandare una mail a ntp_guideli...@berec.europa.eu dicendo .. I'm agree with the suggestions of Free Software Foundation Europe https://download.fsfe.org/policy/routers/20191121-BEREC-Guidelines-Consultation.pdf And https://fsfe.org/activities/routers/index.en