
Where can one find the rest of the thread this post came from?


John Scrivner wrote:

Dan Hammill wrote:


Thank you for your sentiments towards hams.
I meant what I said though I may have had it wrong after some of the replies I am seeing from this group.

Dan  KB5MY said:

if I run legal limit into my 24-foot
dish, aim at the moon on the horizon, and some unlicensed ISP happens to lie in-between, I guarantee that the ISP will lose, regardless of how much power
he/she may be running.
I have been using the list servers here as an opportunity to share my thoughts on perspectives and see how best to proceed for everyone's best interest. Marlon has done the same. Quite frankly I am surprised that the bully tactics you describe would be even put into print. I have always thought Hams were basically all above such thinking. I have no intentions of turning this into a holy war. I know my place. Thank you for pointing it out though with the end of your gun.
Good bye,
John Scrivner

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