*Tons of background...*

I have an MSI that installs three executables, a bunch of image files, and
a few INI files.

On the target device, which is similar to a cash register, two of the
executables ("A1.exe" and "A2.exe") are always running, but the third
executable ("N.exe") runs for about 10 seconds every 5 minutes.

("A" is for always, "N" is for "Nearly Never.")

I've got the MSI working such that it delays the install any EXE files it
can't replace until the next reboot, but doesn't actually do the reboot.

The effect of this is that until the daily 4:00 AM reboot occurs, I have
version 1 of A1.exe and A2.exe running, and version 2 of N.exe running
occasionally, along with the version 2 image and INI files.

When a new release of software comes out, all three are always rebuild and
issued. I don't want our QA team to have to test the split-version combo.

In looking at the system in this state, it looks like Windows Installer is
actually installing all the V2 files, but it's leaving the V1 A1.exe and
A2.exe files running and moving them to c:\config.msi\ and giving them some
odd names.

These are third party executables so I can't make changes to them - for
example to make them interact properly with the Windows 7 Restart Manager.
I can guarantee that the OS will be Windows 7 or later, so I don't need to
be concerned with Vista or XP.

I could let it do a reboot, but that would necessitate a fair amount of
communication with our end users, which we can skip if they don't notice
the install happening.

I also have a "hook" where I can run commands right before the daily 4:00
AM reboot, so I could use that to control the MSI installation, but it adds
another layer of complication.

*And now the question...*

Is there a way to make Windows Installer delay installing all of the V2
files until A1.exe and A2.exe can actually start running, or should I just
let it reboot or use my "hook"?
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