Hello folks,

as I have to implement an installer with WiX and burn, that must handle 
updates, I try to figure out, how the windows installer concepts for those 
tasks functions and how to set up a nice architecture around this. As I have no 
experience with this yet, I do not want to construct an installer that produces 
something that cannot easily be upgraded later on.

To give you more impression about the tasks I have to do, imagine first of all 
a "classical task" within a Msi-Package: Just install some files, copy some of 
them around and that's almost all. Then I would like to bundle that one into a 
burn Package in order to execute some other tasks, e.g. installing some 
prerequisites, creating some shortcuts, register some DLLs, create caspol 
rules, ... I have all those things already within a burn bundle, so I could 
just "execute" that one. If it is better it should also be quite easy to just 
use the same code for the bundle I create now. The final step is to modify an 
access database and perhaps and probably also a SQL Server DB.

So my questions are: Should I just use the premade Installer.exe for the 
"middle" tasks I need here too? And if there will be Updates coming, most of 
them will be just concerning the first Msi (that one, which just install files) 
and probably would require some database modifying tasks. So what is the way to 
go there? Create a separate "Update"-Package for each Update? (If I understood 
the logic behind that topic right, I just have to use the *same* UpgradeCode 
within the burn package and the bundled Msi-Packages and modify the version 
numbers and the product-ID within a Msi-Package?)

What is the right "architecture" for problems like that? What are the 
experiences made by you? One Installer for full installation and Updates or 
separate them? If one should use only one Installer, how can I determine, which 
"Actions" should only be done in an upgrade process and which only within a 
full installation process?

Although WiX is a great framework imho there is a lack of *good* documentation 
dealing with holistic practices around the whole installation stuff. (Not the 
fault of the developers of course, just a fact. So I do not want to blame 
anybody!) So I hope I can get some advice from this nice community :)


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christian Hausknecht

Beratung und Software-Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG
Weidestr. 134, 22083 Hamburg
T: +49 (0)40 547 241 - DW
F: +49 (0)40 547 241 - 60
M: chauskne...@beracom.de<mailto:chauskne...@beracom.de>

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