I hear you, the SQL installer is just about the worst installer I have ever 
used; unfortunately the other options are not appropriate for our desktop 
application and our end users are not savvy enough to install SQL themselves.

The conditions aren't too bad but I like your idea about a helper that may make 
things easier.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Painter [mailto:chr...@iswix.com] 
Sent: 23 September 2013 16:51
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Package Dependency Provider


 FWIW, I personally no longer attempt to auto-magically, silently install 
MSSQL.  Not even "express".  IMO that product has grown to a level of 
complexity that just makes it impossible.   You might get it to work 90% of 
the time  but that last 10% is, well, impossible.

 For your exact problem, have you considered a Helper.exe  to act as one 
target of an ExePackage  and then do it's own detection and branching?    
The main problem I have is depending on your configuration there are hundreds 
of conditions to check for to predict failure before calling the SQL install.  

 For server apps that need a "real database", I let the DBA install MSSQL 
and merely validate the connection in the install.   For desktop apps that 
just need "some database"  I push the developers towards MS SQL CE or MS 


 From: "Neil Sleightholm" <n...@x2systems.com>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 9:29 AM
To: "wix-users (wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net)" 
Subject: [WiX-users] Package Dependency Provider

I have a SQL 2012 SP1 Express install that has to support 3 scenarios: 1. 
Clean install, 2. Upgrade from SQL2008, 3. Upgrade from SQL2012 without SP1. 
Due to the way the SQL installer works these require 3 different command lines. 
To achieve this I have 3 ExePackages defined and only scenario 1 has the 
Uninstall defined. Each of these packages has the same Provides element e.g.:
<dep:Provides Key="SQLServer2012Express,$(var.InstanceName)" 
Version="11.0.3000.0" />

This seemed to be working well but recently I have had reports of the SQL 
install being removed on upgrade. Looking in the logs I can't see why this is 
happening, in fact the logs contain entries like "Will not uninstall
package: Sql2012Express, found dependents: 3".

Does the way I have authored this sound correct?

Is my Provides element correct?

Does the DisplayName play any part in the dependency? I have noticed that the 
value in the registry can vary depending which scenario is installed as it uses 
the package DisplayName, should the DisplayName be set in the Provides key?



Neil Sleightholm
X2 Systems Limited

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