Subject: bootstrap / chainload setup.exe or vbscript from msi without burn
>From reading about burn, it allows you to chain several msi's together from
an exe. I am looking for functionality that would allow me to chain several
exe's from an msi.

I have found examples that require 'dummy' files and a 'dummy' cab as part
of the package and this example leaves an install entry in the registry.

Ideally I would be able to take existing setup.exe's and or vbscript.vbs's
and call them from an msi without distributing any files while preventing
the addition of a program in the listed installed programs.

One task I am trying to accomplish is distribution through a Software
Distribution GPO of a custom Firefox 10esr using its setup.exe. Another
task, also through a Software Distribution GPO, is to install an
Application Compatibility Toolkit Shim Database.

I have achieved both but only by including dummy files and I end up with
two entries for each task in the list of installed programs, one from the
msi installer and one from the application or sdbinst installer. It would
seem cleaner to roll back the install and not to have to reg del item.

Can anyone provide an example of accomplishing something like this?

I have pasted an example of what I have achieved.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="";>
    <Product Id="C9568CC2-9561-406B-97C7-44BE1FAF3EEA" Name="Firefox
10.0.4esr MSI Installer" Language="1033" Version=""
Manufacturer="MyCo" UpgradeCode="FB87F873-12E7-40A3-B44D-55C03E814B89">
        <Package Description="This is a description" Comments="These are
comments" InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine"
InstallPrivileges="elevated" Platform="x86" />
        <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
        <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
            <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
                <Directory Id="Firefox" Name="Mozilla Firefox">
                    <Component Id="dummy"
                        <File Id="DUMMY" Name="dummy" Source="dummy" />
        <Feature Id="Firefox_10.0.4esr" Title="Firefox_10.0.4esr" Level="1">
            <ComponentRef Id="dummy" />
        <UI />
        <CustomAction Id="install_bundle" ExeCommand="/c echo wix installed
firefox &gt; c:\test.txt" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"
Return="check" BinaryKey="firefox_setup_exe" />
        <CustomAction Id="uninstall_bundle" ExeCommand="/c echo wix
uninstalled firefox &gt;&gt; c:\test.txt" Execute="deferred"
Impersonate="no" Return="ignore" BinaryKey="firefox_setup_exe" />
            <Custom Action="install_bundle" After="InstallInitialize">NOT
            <Custom Action="uninstall_bundle"
        <Binary Id="firefox_setup_exe"
SourceFile="c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" />
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