Re: [WiX-users] Change behaviour

2006-06-05 Thread Bob Arnson
Ed Russell wrote:
 I might be being stupid here - I have a component element which I use to
 update a number of registry settings based on inputs into a dialog
 during an install.  I've put it in it's own Feature which all seems to
 work fine on the main install... 

 Now I want users to be able to re-run the install, select the Change
 option, update these values and have them re-written into the
 registry...  But it doesn't seem to want to do anything... Am I missing
 anything obvious?  Or is this how the Installer Change behaviour works?
A modify/change operation lets users choose different sets of features 
to install. It doesn't reinstall everything, which is the problem you're 
running into. Your component is installed so the only thing a change 
operation can do is remove it.


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Compiling with Iis schema

2006-06-07 Thread Bob Arnson
Graham D. Ambrose wrote:
 The Component element contains an unhandled extension element
 'iis:WebVirtualDir'.  Please ensure that the extension for elements in
 the '' namespace has been

 Could someone please give me an example candle compile line that works.
candle.exe -ext WixIIsExtension ...


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Custom Properties....

2006-06-08 Thread Bob Arnson
Ed Russell wrote:
 Property Id=FOOBAR1 Value=Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
 Source=[INSTALLDIR]FooBar.mde;User Id=Foo;Password=Bar;/
You need a custom action to access formatted-type strings. Use Custom 
Property=FOOBAR1 Value=... / and schedule it when the other 
properties have their values set.


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Wrapping Edit Boxes

2006-06-12 Thread Bob Arnson

Owen Evans wrote:

  Not sure if this is
possible with MSI, but basically I want
to be able to have an edit box that automatically word wraps. Ive
multi-line but that doesnt do the job. Is there anyway of achieving

Basically, the control styles that MSI exposes are the only ones
supported. There's no concept in MSI of custom controls or subclassing
or anything along those lines.

  Basically I want a user
to be able to paste in a big block
of Cipher Text and not to have to put in newline characters in the
block but
for the Installer to wrap it so that it doesnt scroll off to the right
(without scroll bars [as it currently does])

Is that really a one-time (install-time) procedure? If not, you're
better off prompting the user the first time the app runs.

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] question mark instead of colon in components registry keys

2006-06-14 Thread Bob Arnson

Mike Gallaway wrote:

  What causes the paths
to contain question marks instead of colons?

Short answer: It doesn't matter. That's data maintained by MSI, so as
long as it's happy with what it writes, everything still works. 

As to idea.g

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] What makes ClickThrough per-user?

2006-06-15 Thread Bob Arnson

Don Tasanasanta wrote:


  i have tried creating a simple
one file install that installs to appdata only and has no registry
entries but i can't get it to install with user only access. i keep
getting the same error:
  "This installation is forbidden
by system policy. Contact your system administrator."

Does a verbose log have more details?

  so iwas wondering what
elements/tags in the clickthrough project allow it to install with user
access only.

Per-user installs don't require any magic -- they're the MSI default,
actually. I tested it on XP with a limited-user account.

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
Wix xmlns=""
 Product Id="000C1109---C000-0046"
Name="TestFileProduct" Language="1033" Version=""
Manufacturer="Microsoft Corporation"
 Package Id="----"
Description="Test File in a Product" Comments="Test from:
wix\examples\test\assembly\product.wxs" InstallerVersion="200"
Compressed="yes" /

 Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" /

 Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"
 Directory Id="AppDataFolder" Name="AppData"
 Directory Id="TESTFILEPRODUCTDIRECTORY" Name="testassm"
LongName="Test File"
 Component Id="TestFileProductComponent"
Guid="00030829---C000-0046" DiskId="1"
 File Id="TestFileProductFile" Name="test.txt"
Source=".\test.txt" KeyPath="yes" /

 Feature Id="TestFileProductFeature" Title="Test File Product
Feature" Level="1" ConfigurableDirectory="TESTFILEPRODUCTDIRECTORY"
 ComponentRef Id="TestFileProductComponent" /

 UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree" /


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Determine if in rollback mode from non-deferred customaction.

2006-06-15 Thread Bob Arnson
dangle123 ... wrote:

 How do I rollback an immediate (not deferred) custom action?

You don't. Immediate CAs shouldn't change the system, so there's nothing 
to roll back.


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] What makes ClickThrough per-user?

2006-06-16 Thread Bob Arnson

Don Tasanasanta wrote:

  this is the install log that i'm
getting from your example code.

Does ClickThrough generate an MSI that installs for you? What's the
value of

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] What makes ClickThrough per-user?

2006-06-17 Thread Bob Arnson

Don Tasanasanta wrote:

  ClickThrough generated a wix
file with several errors. i was able to repair the errors and run the
resulting MSI but i didn't install under the User context. all the test
installs i have created have all worked under Admin (as expected).
  i have tested with
DisableUserInstalls = 0 and also deleted the value all together. both
with the same result: install failed. 
  i'm testing onXP Pro. i'm going
to try it on win2000 and see if there's a difference. 
  i don't understand it. from all
that i've read this should be working. its perplexing.

I've never seen this kind of problem except on a system with harsh
group policy lockdowns.

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Printing Eula Page.

2006-06-20 Thread Bob Arnson

Kalappa Pattar wrote:


  It prints my eula page. EULA page has got 7
  Here all the 7 pages are
being print.
  I want only the first
page to be printed not all the 7
  Could anyone tell me how
to handle this in WIX code?

There's no support for that in the PrintEula custom action. I've never
heard anyone ask for this before -- why would you want to prevent
someone from printing the full EULA?

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Printing Eula Page.

2006-06-20 Thread Bob Arnson

Kalappa Pattar wrote:


  The content
in French is not being printed
  The problem
the each line is getting
printed in separate page. So when I print its 120 pages.
  Thats why I
thought of printing
only the first page. I do not know what the reason is. .(I
tried a lot to fix that)

I haven't heard of that before. Does the French text show correctly in
the UI? The PrintEula CA just uses EM_FORMATRANGE to have the RTF
control print itself, so it's nothing WiX has control over.

  So I thought
of printing only the first
page, not all the pages
  It would be
great if you provide me some
inputs on this.

The only thing I can suggest is adding support for page ranges to

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Setting attribute based on Condition

2006-06-21 Thread Bob Arnson
rchiodo wrote:
 Is it possible to set a generic attribute based on a condition?
Only if the attribute accepts formatted text. Most don't. Permanent, for 
example, turns into a bit in the Component table and therefore has to be 
set at compile time, not install time.


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Moving my wix 2 project into wix 3...

2006-06-21 Thread Bob Arnson

Harrborg Richard wrote:


  Trying code
from link below in [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005 (build 3.0.1821.0).
  I have
replaced the smile with difx:Driver!
  I dont find
any documentation on using the new
schema changes in wix 3. For example, what is required to compile with
the element
Driver? I guess candle must have some link to the difxapp.xsd?

DIFx support is in the WixDifxAppExtension. Try using WixCop on your
original sources -- it should correctly update them to use the new

WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Referencing $loc variable values in custom dlls

2006-06-21 Thread Bob Arnson
Zhong Xinyi wrote:
 I understand that we can access localization variables
 strings using $(loc.var) in our wix source files.
 However, is there anyway that I can access these
 strings in my custom action dll? Using MsiGetProperty?
 If not, any other solutions?
Loc variables are resolved at bind time, so they're replaced in the 
final .msi. They don't exist at install time. You can use the same 
localization approach to put messages into MSI tables; see 
WcaErrorMessage in wcawrap.cpp for an example.


WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Questions about Component, Features and Minor Upgrades

2006-06-22 Thread Bob Arnson
Igor Lemsky wrote:
 Previously I mainly use major upgrades with changes of product codes. 
 Now I need minor upgrades which allow more soft upgrade - just 
 reinstall and also allow patches. Major upgrades for some strange 
 reasons doesn't allow it.
Don't allow what?

You're right that removing components requires changing the product 
code, which in turns means using a major upgrade.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Customizing dialog sets

2006-06-22 Thread Bob Arnson

Neil Sleightholm wrote:

the online help there is this paragraph: "You can most easily add
and remove dialogs from the stock dialog sets by copying one of the
existing sets and modifying it. For an example, see the project in the
doc/examples/wixui/custom directory."
example doesn't seem to exist, is it missing from the downloads? Is the
example available somewhere?

It's currently broken, which is why it hasn't been added. It's on my
bug list but hasn't come up the priority list yet.

I want to do is remove the License dialog as it is not appropriate for
internal releases. Is there an easy way to remove it?

What the example shows is copying one of the "set" fragments (e.g.,
WixUI_InstallDir.wxs) and modifying the properties and adding/removing
DialogRefs to point to different dialogs. 

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Customizing dialog sets

2006-06-23 Thread Bob Arnson

Albert van Peppen wrote:


  This way there is no need to build a
seperate wixlib and you can keep everything in one project easily.

True, though you're recompiling more every time than if you built a new

  It would be neat if you could 'override' a
specific dialog. Then you you can change a single dialog tou your own
needs without all the other fuss..

The reason you need a new "dialog set" fragment for that is that
there's no way to specify an order for which property values should
take precedence.

  As said; it works for me. Now in Wix-2.0.
But i don't know if it'll work in Wix-3.0 (most likely not ?) But then
again, i hope the UI handling in Wix-3.0 is somewhat 'better' (don't
ask me how to define 'better' :-) )

In WiX v3, it will be easier to override a dialog when I get around to
replacing the current properties with WiX variables because they have
explicit overriding. We've also pulled out the controls' Publish
elements into the dialog set fragments. That will let you add
functionality in one place more easily.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How ro create CustomAction Type 34?

2006-06-23 Thread Bob Arnson
Peter G. Sakhno wrote:

 I need to run external stand-alone exe-file that is not part of the 
 installation package and is not included into Binary table.
 Does anybody can explain how to create such custom action using WiX?

 I tried following:

 CustomAction Id=ExeFile 
 ExeCommand=[SourceDir][ExeFilePATH]\Myprogram.exe Return=ignore /
You need to use Property=[path][to]program.exe and ExeCommand=command 
line arguments.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Registry Issue

2006-07-03 Thread Bob Arnson
jdrake wrote:
 So I try it myself and just when I think it all works I discover that:
 Registry Id=REM_Interface Root=HKCR
 Action=removeKeyOnUninstall /

 does NOT remove the key on uninstall, so I have to say HUH?  Am I just too
 stupid to understand the wonder of WiX?
MSI automatically removes a key when it removes the last value under 
that key. So you don't need a special action; just omit it. If you still 
have issues, take a look at a verbose log; usually, MSI logs when it 
does (or doesn't do) something because of a pre-existing reason.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] UILevel?

2006-07-03 Thread Bob Arnson
Jiamin Zhu wrote:
 Thank you for the responses.  The reason I asked is because when 
 clicking Add/Remove program in the control panel, the application is 
 removed with default UILevel = 3 (no
Yes, that's the behavior of the Add/Remove Programs applet. It always 
uninstalls MSI packages in basic mode after prompting. The only thing 
you can do is set ARPNOREMOVE to force a user to use maintenance mode -- 
and surface a Remove option in your maintenance UI.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Displaying a Message Box during install/uninstall

2006-07-04 Thread Bob Arnson
John Robbins wrote:
 I'd like to display a message box on a non-fatal warning during my install.
 Additionally, because of a bug in Visual Studio (I'm installing add-ins), I
 want to show a message box on uninstall. Given my limited WiX and MSI
 knowledge, I don't see how to do the display unless I do a complete custom
 UI. Am I missing something simple? Any help greatly appreciated.
In a full UI, you can use MsiProcessMessage to display message boxes. 
for details.) And you can always construct a normal MSI dialog and use a 
SpawnDialog control event to show it.

But that won't work for a standard uninstall because ARP runs the 
uninstall in basic UI mode. One approach is to use ARPNOREMOVE to force 
ARP to run maintenance mode for any uninstall. That's in full UI mode so 
you can use MsiProcessMessage and/or standard MSI dialogs.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] UI Issue with .Net Framework Detection

2006-07-04 Thread Bob Arnson

Chuck wrote:

I just grabbed the 2.0.4221... version and rebuilt everything. It now
displays my message box if .Net 2.0 isn't installed but it doesn't do
that until after all of the UI components have been displayed?! Any
thoughts on how to get this to run first? In my InstallExecuteSequence
I have the Custom Action set to run After="LaunchConditions".

Take a look at your MSI in Orca. Is there a LaunchConditions entry in
InstallUISequence? If so, what's the sequence? Are you customizing
WixUI? Are you using any .wixobj or .wixlib built with a prior version
of WiX? 

Basically, WiX should now add a LaunchConditions action to both
InstallUISequence and InstallExecuteSequence. (WixUI isn't involved.)
If it's not, we need to figure out the circumstances where it doesn't.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] XmlFile - specification misimplementation

2006-07-05 Thread Bob Arnson

Darren Kulp wrote:

  XmlFiles XPath
implementation is incorrect with
regard to position indexing. 

The XmlFile CA does almost nothing with the XPath you provide. It
stores it and passes it to MSXML. MSXML provides the implementation of

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] [WiX-devs] Assignment agreement and updatesand/or enhancements

2006-07-10 Thread Bob Arnson
Frederik Carlier wrote:
 I think it would be worth creating a space where people can contribute
 their own additions to WiX that are of signification value but did not
 make it through the legal process. A WiX-contrib project, or something
 like that.
So go ahead and create it.g

 I still think the single copyright owner argument is void; anyone is
 free to extend WiX without signing the agreement and then you have a mix
 of Microsoft-copyrighted code and 3th-party copyrighted code. 
Anyone who does that -- and cares -- then has one more licensing 
headache to worry about.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] WixUI_InstallDir problems

2006-07-10 Thread Bob Arnson
Title: WixUI_InstallDir problems

Nordvik, Christer wrote:

then I end up with the following folder structure:
seems that the bin folder doesn't receive the new value of
INSTALLLOCATION so it uses the previous value. Any idea as to what is
causing this behavior?

I'm afraid that's how it works. WixUI_InstallDir lets you specify at
install time the path of one directory. Subdirectories and parent
directories aren't affected. However, you can have custom actions set
the subdirectory paths based on the chosen "root."

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Re: [WiX-users] WiX Tutorial - Lesson 2 User Interface - First Steps 2.1

2006-07-10 Thread Bob Arnson
Crouch, John wrote:
 My votive2.msi did not install a WixUI_en-us.wxl file - Is the tutorial out 
 of date?
No, it's the Votive installer that's out of date. Justin and I have a 
revamp of the installer on our plates, but it'll be a bit before that 
happens. In the meantime, just download the binaries .zip file matching 
the Votive version; all the files you need are there.


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Re: [WiX-users] [WiX-devs] Assignment agreement and updatesand/or enhancements

2006-07-11 Thread Bob Arnson
Frederik Carlier wrote:
 But yes, that is essentially what I am talking about: a place where we
 can put good code, that can't make it into WiX because of people not
 trusting Microsoft, a stubborn boss, the WiX developers having a bad
 hair day or whatever reason.
That's not the same thing as NAnt-Contrib. It's one thing if a new 
feature is in incubation. It's another if the contributor has no 
intention of trying to get it into the project.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] InstallUtil and GACing the same assembly

2006-07-11 Thread Bob Arnson

Simon Burgess wrote:


  And that is
what I have tried in my
example but for some reason while the installutil actions are being
(see InstallUtilFail.txt) the assemblypath value changes from
this location on the file system to a GAClike location (when as you
the GACing of the assembly should come later on) and the installutil
fails because it is not in the GAC yet

Are you saying InstallUtil requires that assembly to be in the GAC?
AFAIK, there's no way to do that. MSI doesn't install assemblies
destined for the GAC; it hands them off to Fusion, which takes care of

It's an excellent example of why setup should be declarative and not
dependent on running the same things you're installing.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] [WiX-devs] Assignment agreement and updatesand/or enhancements

2006-07-12 Thread Bob Arnson

Rob Mensching wrote:


  2. I've
found the Apache assignment agreement either but I never looked hard. 

MSN Search is great...g

 Contributor License Agreements

The ASF desires that all contributors of ideas, code, or documentation
to the Apache projects complete, sign, and submit (via snailmail or
an Individual
Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
[PDF form]. The
purpose of this agreement
is to clearly define the terms under which intellectual property
has been contributed to the ASF and thereby allow us to defend the
project should there be a legal dispute regarding the software at
some future time. A signed CLA is required to be on file before an
individual is given commit rights to an ASF project.

Interestingly, they say "desires" and "commit rights," not
"requires" and "submit rights."


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to use the MSBuild Tasks without Visual Studio

2006-07-12 Thread Bob Arnson
Christian Elberfeld wrote:
 is it possible to use the wix 3.0/2.0 MSBuild Tasks in a Sharp Develop 2.0 
 Project ??
 Cause SharpDevelop uses MSbuild to build the Projects this would be fine.

 And is it possible to build this Soulution using MSBuild on a build Server 
 without SharpDevelop / Visual Studio ?
Yes, you just need .NET 2.0, which is where MSBuild itself is.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to set a condition, that prevents custom actions on error

2006-07-13 Thread Bob Arnson

Markus Libiseller wrote:

  I would like
to ask you for help about a problem Ive
with my setup-project:
Ive written a setup, that starts a custom action after the completion
the setup. In this custom action the client is registered to the server
and further
configurations are done. I would like to set a condition that prevents
execution, if an error happened earlier. 

What kind of error? Errors should cause an installation rollback. If
you have custom actions that support "warnings," you can have them set
a property you can check for.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Conditional Uninstallation

2006-07-13 Thread Bob Arnson

Akshay Bhargava, Noida wrote:

  At the time of
uninstalltion I want to check if a particular
service is running or not .for this I have written a function code in
my dll .I
have also written a CustomAction corresponding to this DllEntry. The
function in my dll returns o if service is not running and 1 if
is running. Now I do not know how to check the return value and
take further actions like displaying a dialog box if the service is
running . I
have defined my custom action like 

CA functions return success or failure, not status info. If you need to
communicate from a CA to the setup UI or another CA, you'll need to
have the CA set a property. For more details, see"">.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to set a condition, that prevents custom actions on error

2006-07-17 Thread Bob Arnson

Markus Libiseller wrote:


for your answer. I
would like to set a property that prevents the start of my custom
action in
cases of installation failures, perhaps if the service could not be
or anything. How can I set a property (lets call it
in the WIX-file that gets the value true if any errors happened? I
would like handle this case in the custom action.

Please keep wix-users on the list so everyone can participate. 

If an installation action fails, the whole install fails. There are
exceptions for custom actions, where errors can be ignored -- and a few
rare cases, such as marking services as non-vital -- but they don't
record their errors.


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Install the same file into multiple directories

2006-07-19 Thread Bob Arnson
Klimek Manuel wrote:
 I already stfw'ed and rtfm'ed, and tried the autocompletion
 feature in the wix xml files to identify any commands I could
 be missing, but I just couldn't find any hint on how to
 install the same file with the same GUID into two different
 directories as two different features in one msi.
You can't do that -- the same component GUID can't install the same file 
to two different directories for the same product. That violates MSI 
component rules. If you want a file to be entirely private, it needs its 
own component GUID. Generally, if a file is shared within a single 
product, it would go into a shared directory.
 The only solution I see is to create multiple fragments with
 components with unique GUIDs for each merge module, but that
 would make the fragment concept useless to me.
You can use variables to keep one source file but build it with multiple 


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Path the file in Binary table

2006-07-19 Thread Bob Arnson

Eddie Tse wrote:

  Files in the Binary table
get extracted by the installer to
a temporary folder upon execution. Is there a way to get the full path
to the
temporary file using just an Id from the binary table?

No. MSI extracts the files only for the duration of the custom action

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Should WiX add support for installingWindowsinstrumentation features?

2006-07-23 Thread Bob Arnson
Phil Wilson wrote:
 There are other issues with Installer classes too. As Rob M has pointed out,
 anything that's installed with code is outside the Windows Installer ref
 counting scheme. If you install a shared item with MSI and follow the usual
 component id rules it just works. Two products can share the same resource
 (registry entry, service, file) and you can uninstall one without impacting
 the other. When services and registry entries (snap-in registration, COM
 registration etc) are installed with code like Installer classes there is no
 reference counting. Products sharing these resources are easily broken by
 uninstalling one of them. 

 Regarding Microsoft has adopted the Installer classes as the standard way
 to install things , it's more accurate to say that Microsoft has adopted
 them as the standard way for *developers* to install things. This is Visual
 Studio that started them, remember, to provide a way for developers to get
 their things installed without building MSI files (mainly with
 InstallUtil). The idea that Installer classes should be used in production
 environments can pretty much be shot down based on the ref counting issue
 alone.  The rest of it (the fragility, loading the CLR, kb 906766, lack of
 repair) are other things that make Installer classes undesirable. 
Do you mind if I make a macro of this message and re-post it at regular 


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Re: [WiX-users] Should WiX add support for installingWindowsinstrumentation features?

2006-07-23 Thread Bob Arnson
John Vottero wrote:
 Reposting this message at regular intervals (either manually or
 automatically) does no good whatsoever.  
That doesn't change the fact that it's a well-written message.

 If there are problems with the
 Installer based classes they should be reported to Microsoft so that the
 problems can be fixed.
Easy fix: Make Installer sealed.g

Running arbitrary code during installation is bad. It's self-reg, except 
worse. The entire design of MSI is based on the idea of describing your 
setup and letting MSI interpret the description. Running code is bad and 
should be avoided whenever possible.
 If you read the documentation for the Installer classes, it never
 implies that they are merely developer hacks that shouldn't be used in a
 production environment.  In fact, Visual Studio provides the
 InstallUtilLib custom action to call Installer classes from an MSI.
True. And it's an excellent example of why many folks suggest avoiding 
 Don't all custom actions have the potential to break reference counting?
 Why use the reference counting argument against one custom action but
 not others?
Yes they do -- and QuietExec is often abused. But there's a difference 
between running arbitrary code in a CA and running a well-designed CA 
whose operations are described via data in tables in the package.

Quite simply, it's hard to do good CAs. Even if you were to argue that 
there's too much coding overhead to do declarative setup, it's hard to 
argue against uninstall and rollback CAs. Yet often it's exactly that 
kind of resilience that people skip when writing one-off CAs. We see it 
all the time, even inside Microsoft. (That's why but VS does it isn't 
much of an excuse.)
 Installer classes have way too much momentum and too many supporters
 within Microsoft to be ignored, it's time for WiX and Windows Installer
 to figure out how to support them.
Or lobby the supporters to come to their senses.


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Re: [WiX-users] Wix and 64-bit questions

2006-07-24 Thread Bob Arnson

Kelly Summerlin wrote:

  My question is this, is
it possible to use the same Wix
files to build one MSI that will deploy the files and registry settings
32-bit or 64-bit determined at runtime? 

No. An MSI package must be marked as 64-bit before it can install
64-bit components into the 64-bit parts of the file system and
registry. See"">
for details.

You can use the same WiX source but you'll need two packages.

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Re: [WiX-users] Votive Versions

2006-07-25 Thread Bob Arnson
Alan Waddington wrote:
 1.  The compiler reports that it is version 2.0.2328 even though I used 
 the votive-2.0.4221.0 installer.  This same installer has installed 
 v2.0.4221 on an Windows XP machine.  Is this correct?
No. Did you have a previous version installed? There's only one copy of 
the binaries in the .msi. Windows 2000 should work but I don't know how 
much testing it's gotten.
 2.  The compiler fails due to a 'fatal error CNDL0027: The 'Type' 
 attribute has an invalid value according to its data type'.  This line 
 compiles correctly under v2.0.4221 on the Windows XP machine.
The Registry schema changed quite a while ago, which is consistent with 
such an old version of WiX.

Worst case, you can use the binaries .zip file to update the Windows 
2000 installation.


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Re: [WiX-users] GAC and call Custom Action

2006-07-28 Thread Bob Arnson

John Hidey wrote:


  Here is my problem everyone. I have a msi that
installs several files into the gac. I DO NOT create a shadow copy of
these files on the file system until my property called CREATESHADOW
has a
value of 1. These assemblies have installers in them that I need to
call. (I know managed installers in not recommended but have to get
quickly) When I put my custom action in and call InstallUtilLib the
isnt actually on the file system. Is there a way to have
refer the file via its temporary location that is used by the

There is no temporary location. Files to be installed into the GAC
aren't put down until the install is being committed. 

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Re: [WiX-users] Should WiX add support for installingWindowsinstrumentation features?

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson

John Vottero wrote:

  This is mostly tool for developer to get the cmdlet working. Release
should set the registry keys explicitly.

See, it's not just WiX crazies!g

  It just sets series of registry keys. We need to document the keys which

vendors need to set for registering snapins. I will open a bug for this.

Will the PowerShell team create a WiX extension?

There is no plan for V1.

OK, that's good news. 

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Re: [WiX-users] Should WiX add support for installingWindowsinstrumentation features?

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson
John Vottero wrote:
 Are you saying that it's impossible to create a good Installer based
 Installer class?
 That's fine with me, who do I start with?  I just need some direction
 from Microsoft.  Right now, I have the PowerShell team saying use these
 Installer based classes to install your Cmdlets but the Windows
 Installer/WiX people are saying Yuck, don't use that crap!.  What am I
 supposed to do?
Ask the PowerShell team to do the right thing for their customers and 
their customers's customers. Worst case, they should document what the 
installer classes do so anyone can do it, regardless of tool. Better 
yet, they can provide merge modules, .wixlibs, or WiX extensions for 
strongly-typed authoring. Best of all, they can work with the WiX team 
to ship them in the box. Some teams already do some of it, but it's 
driven by customer demand. If they don't hear from customers that it's 
an issue, they're going to (logically) do the simplest thing.


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Re: [WiX-users] Controls with Conditions

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson
Michael Cline wrote:
 Is there any way to update the property with every key press?
No. Unfortunately, MSI only updates properties on focus change.


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Re: [WiX-users] Question: Migrating Existing Installer to Windows Installer

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson

Rick Glos wrote:

  We just released version
5.0 of our product. Spending
6 weeks updating our installer (we have a custom C# installer). I can
our new customers
instead using a
new .msi for later versions (5.5, 6.0, etc). What do I do about our
existing customers when they wish to upgrade? Theyve never
installed originally with a Windows Installer. How do I get them on
same track?

MSI has support for automatically upgrading other MSI installations to
later versions. You won't be able to use that with your custom
installer but you can fake it. For example, use RegistrySearch or
FileSearch to locate old installations, then provide UI that prompts
them to uninstall first.

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Re: [WiX-users] ISAPI Filter installation hangs IIS

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson
James Carter wrote:
 : error LGHT0102 : The localization variable !(loc.ConfigureIIs ) is 
 unknown.  Please ensure the variable is 

The WiX extensions now support localization, which means you have to 
specify the culture for the localizable strings. Pass -cultures:en-us to 
use English strings.


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Re: [WiX-users] GAC and call Custom Action

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson

John Hidey wrote:


  Is there
a way to do what I want
to do. I would think that this can be done. Many installers do this,
maybe they use a C++ custom action which does the registry for them.

Or they just use standard MSI support for registration. Calling GAC'd
assemblies isn't really feasible.


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Re: [WiX-users] Launch Checkbox

2006-07-29 Thread Bob Arnson
Shmarya Rubenstein wrote:
   Custom Action=LaunchConfig After=ExecuteAction
After MSI has processed the ExecuteAction action, it stops following the 
sequence in InstallUISequence. Instead, it uses only the negative 
sequence numbers to show success or failure.

Instead, publish a DoAction control event from the Finish/Close button 
on the success dialog.


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Re: [WiX-users] Launch Checkbox

2006-07-30 Thread Bob Arnson
Shmarya Rubenstein wrote:
 Ok... Now I'm getting the following Exception from wix:
Which version of WiX? Can you open a bug with a file that reproduces the 


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Re: [WiX-users] rfc: Package element changes

2006-07-31 Thread Bob Arnson

Derek Cicerone wrote:


  That is an
excellent point  what if
we keep the ???... syntax just for Product/@Id in that case and go with
recommendations below for everything else?

Any chance of a different syntax? @Id="*" maybe, keeping with the
wildcard scheme?

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Re: [WiX-users] Require License Agreement Dialog (no silent setups)

2006-07-31 Thread Bob Arnson
John Robbins wrote:
 After an hour of Googling, I can't see how to disallow silent installs.
 The default WiX installs allow you to specify \q to MSIEXEC.EXE and you
 get a silent install. However, that allows you to skip checking the
 license agreement option, which my client doesn't like. What's the WiX
 magic I need to do to not allow my install to be run in silent mode. I
 tried a condition of UILevel=5, which worked for installs, but would
 never allow an uninstall (thank goodness for MSIZAP!).
MsiZap?! shudder You use VMs, right?g

Try UILevel=5 OR Installed instead. That'll let the ARP uninstall happen.

Of course, one benefit, er, side-effect of using structured-storage 
files for the MSI database is that anyone can use Orca on it...even 
without reading a EULA...


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Re: [WiX-users] Require License Agreement Dialog (no silent setups)

2006-07-31 Thread Bob Arnson

Bob Arnson wrote:

  John Robbins wrote:
After an hour of Googling, I can't see how to disallow silent installs.
The default WiX installs allow you to specify \q to MSIEXEC.EXE and you
get a silent install. However, that allows you to skip checking the
license agreement option, which my client doesn't like. What's the WiX
magic I need to do to not allow my install to be run in silent mode. I
tried a condition of UILevel=5, which worked for installs, but would
never allow an uninstall (thank goodness for MSIZAP!).

  MsiZap?! shudder You use VMs, right?g

Try "UILevel=5 OR Installed" instead. That'll let the ARP uninstall happen.

Of course, one benefit, er, side-effect of using structured-storage 
files for the MSI database is that anyone can use Orca on it...even 
without reading a EULA...

And I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that not supporting silent
installs breaks a lot of QA and SMS scenarios...

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Re: [WiX-users] How to use SelfRegCost?

2006-08-01 Thread Bob Arnson
Peter G. Sakhno wrote:
 My question is what value should be provided for that attribute? In 
 documentation said that it should be the cost of registering the module 
 in bytes. How to calculate that cost?
MSI knows your file sizes but it can't see what your self-reg code is 
going to do. For typical registration, it doesn't much matter. But if 
you do something odd, like creating a cache of several megabytes, you 
need to tell MSI so it can determine if there's enough disk space.


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Re: [WiX-users] Performance issues

2006-08-03 Thread Bob Arnson
Title: Performance issues

Simon Topley wrote:

  I'm sure this is a problem others have encounted. I
have now replace our suite of installsheild products with spanky new
WIX versions. I have managed to elimitnate a large amount of redundant
code (previous installers copied large amounts of file that were never
used). Most of the installers are now half the size in compressed form.
Dispite this the installation process now takes longer (so I'm told, I
intend to run some performance tests later today). Is there a standard
explaination for this that I can give to people (i.e. talk to city hall)
  I am playing with the idea of having internal
versions (products that will only be used by testers and support staff)
as uncompressed in the hope that most of the time is being spent
extracting files.

Was the InstallShield package also compressed? Are the tests being run
over the network? Sometimes bandwidth constraints make it faster to
have a compressed image. 

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Re: [WiX-users] group policy

2006-08-03 Thread Bob Arnson
Standa Kunc wrote:
 I would like to create msi package (executable, shortcuts, file
 association) and use it with Group Policy in MS Windows Server 2003.
 Both server and client (MS Windows 2000) are running under Virtual PC
 (this should not be problem). I just can not do it properly.

 Could someone provide me example wxs file? I do not know what I am doing 
What problems are you having? Have you seen the doc and tutorial link at Group policy and SMS just need MSI packages 
that support silent installation.


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Re: [WiX-users] WixUI_Minimal without license agreement

2006-08-03 Thread Bob Arnson

Scott Sam wrote:


  I want to
use the Minimal wixui because I
want the user to be able to just click next and have the install go,
but I dont
want eula in it. Is there any way to use the regular welcomeDlg in
of the WelcomeEulaDlg. I get an error 2803 when I click the next
when I tried just changing the dialogRef. What am I missing?

How about a low-tech solution? Put a simple readme in License.rtf and
set the LicenseAccepted property to '1' -- that enables the Install

Otherwise, you'll need to create a new dialog; the existing WelcomeDlg
is designed to be the first page in a wizard, not the last. 


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Re: [WiX-users] ScrollableText Control type

2006-08-03 Thread Bob Arnson

Magus wrote:

  OK I've been having a really bad time with this.  For some reason it won't
display anything.  I want it to display information form a .txt file since
its a lot smaller than a .rtf  I have'nt really seen anywhere that says this
won't work and in all the other controls it works just fine.  Is there
something I'm missing? I've even tried using Orca and replacing the what
goes in here and it say that .txt is a proper format.  

The doc for the ScrollableText control says:

Enter the RTF text string into the Text column of the Control table.

There's nothing that says it will work, so you can't assume it
supports plain text.

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Re: [WiX-users] group policy

2006-08-03 Thread Bob Arnson

Please keep wix-users on the thread so everyone can participate.

Standa Kunc wrote:
There are no dialogs in my setups so I suppose they
support silent
installation. Or is there anything else needed to create silent
installation? Some checklist for silent installation?

If you use standard Windows Installer actions, you get silent-install
support for free. If you use custom actions, you have to ensure you
code them correctly to work with different UI levels.

Feature Id='MyFeature' Title='My 1st
Feature' Level='1'
AllowAdvertise='yes' TypicalDefault='advertise'

I'm not a Group Policy expert, so I'm not sure what's wrong, but my
first guess would be that you're assigning an advertised feature. The
product is present but without something to engage the advertisement,
no features are actually installed. 


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Re: [WiX-users] cab files getting corrupted

2006-08-04 Thread Bob Arnson

Simon Porter wrote:

  File Id="KRB5" Name="KRB5.INI" Vital="yes" DiskId="1" Source="" /
File Id="KRB" Name="KRB.CON" Vital="yes" DiskId="1" Source="" /
File Id="KRBREALM" Name="KRBREALM.CON" Vital="yes" DiskId="1" Source="" /

That creates three files in your setup, all of which contain the
contents of

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Re: [WiX-users] Control Default=yes - maybe

2006-08-04 Thread Bob Arnson

Calin Iaru wrote:


Install button may not be selected although I specified Default=yes
for that Control. Looking closer at it, seems that the first button to
be selected
is also first button that is specified for that dialog. That would
explain why
a setup wizard has the Back button selected instead of Remove.

In the case of WixUI, at least, that's intentional. Default buttons
shouldn't have "destructive" behavior. I use control conditions in
VerifyReadyDlg to show the Remove button and then make Back the default.

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Re: [WiX-users] FW: Re: MessageQueue PubCA

2006-08-04 Thread Bob Arnson
Justin Rockwood wrote:
 Yes, they should be installed with Votive but they're currently not. Bob has
 been working on a fix for that, but it's not in yet.
Yeah, it's been a low priority while Votive is in such active 
development. When Justin does his next big checkin, the setup will be 
updated to match.


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Re: [WiX-users] How to show FilesInUse dialog _always_ ?

2006-08-05 Thread Bob Arnson
Alexander Biryukov wrote:
 Unfortunately, ServiceControl with Stop='install' always stops service, it  
 is not dependent on that updating service or not. 
True, but better to stop more services than reboot.
 Also it does not solve the problem with locked non executable files.
MSI doesn't support that -- the FilesInUse dialog is geared toward users 
who can close their apps, not arbitrary executables.

WiX v3 includes a CloseApplications custom action and you can use to 
shut down arbitrary executables. I'm not sure how well it works with 
services, however, so you might want to experiment.


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Re: [WiX-users] Multiple SelectionTree in one Dialog Box

2006-08-07 Thread Bob Arnson
Calin Iaru wrote:
 I was thinking that maybe I can group under Feature/SelectionTree 
 under a Fragment or some parent element that I don't know about. The 
 thing is that more feature trees mean more reset buttons - and so it 
 could lead to a hidden tree containing just one feature which is 
 selected by publishing SelectionNoItems events. If that button is a 
 checkbox, then that would be a quick workaround to SdFeatureTree. 
 Otherwise, back to square 1 where one must write a DLL which contains 
 these checkboxes and the inherent more opportunities to fail. It's not 
 high priority though.
The selection tree works off the Feature table in the .msi. You can 
usually group components into features and subfeatures to create the 
selectability you want. But the UI is going to be limited by what the 
control can do.


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Re: [WiX-users] cab files getting corrupted

2006-08-07 Thread Bob Arnson
Simon Porter wrote:
 I'm not sure what the error is. Do you mean it should be something like this

 File Id=KRB5 Name=KRB5.INI Vital=yes DiskId=1 /
 File Id=KRB Name=KRB.CON Vital=yes DiskId=1 /
 File Id=KRBREALM Name=KRBREALM.CON Vital=yes DiskId=1 /
The Source attribute specifies the file that should be installed. It 
doesn't support getting a file from a .cab. You need to specify a file, 
uncompressed, on the system that links the .wixobj.


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Re: [WiX-users] Custom Action on Condition

2006-08-07 Thread Bob Arnson
Magus wrote:
 I have a custom action that is only suppose to run during installation.  How
 would I set it up so that it doesn't do the custom action on uninstall.
for examples.


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Re: [WiX-users] Error code 2762

2006-08-09 Thread Bob Arnson
Bahar Shah wrote:
 After I finish my installation I get the unexpected error occured 
 installing this package. The error code is 2762
 Any idea why I might be getting this error ? I suspect this is due to 
 a deferred custom action. Any idea on how to get rid of this ?

Deferred CAs must be sequenced before InstallFinalize.


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Re: [WiX-users] Large font in a SelectionTree

2006-08-09 Thread Bob Arnson

Brian Simoneau wrote:

  Large font in a SelectionTree

  I am creating a user interface using
large fonts. I set the DefaultUIFont property to a TextStyle with a
large font size. This correctly uses the large font size for text
controls, buttons, and other controls. The problem is that in the
SelectionTree control where you select whether you want a feature to be
installed or not, the text within the drop-down box is not using the
large font size. Does anyone know how to make that text use a
TextStyle? Interestingly, the feature names in the SelectionTree are
correctly displayed with the large font size.

The drop-down is a menu so it uses the system menu font. I suspect it's
not overridable.

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Re: [WiX-users] check/change screen resolution

2006-08-09 Thread Bob Arnson
roxana wrote:
 I'd like my MSI package to check the screen resolution for the logged-in 
The ScreenX and ScreenY properties are set by MSI.

 and to change it to 1280/1024. 
There's no built-in way to change the resolution.


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Re: [WiX-users] Set Installdir

2006-08-10 Thread Bob Arnson
Alexander Gnauck wrote:
 works now if i put it in InstallUISequence.

   Custom Action=SetInstallDir After=LaunchConditions/

 What happens if the Install runs silent then without UI?
It wouldn't work -- you need to put it in both the UI and execute 
sequences. Or, don't use a custom action at all. If you use the same 
name for both the Property/RegistrySearch as in your Directory Id, the 
AppSearch custom action will set both.


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Re: [WiX-users] Calling a custom action from a Dialog

2006-08-10 Thread Bob Arnson
Magus wrote:
 I have a custom action dll that using a win32 dialog box, because I needed on
 the fly text in a scrollable text window.  What I want done is for the
 actual Wix dialog box that follows (back button) to bring up that dialog
 anyone ever do this before?
You'd have to modify the WixUI dialogs to support that. They use the 
NewDialog control event and you'd have to change it to DoAction.


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Re: [WiX-users] Calling a custom action from a Dialog

2006-08-11 Thread Bob Arnson
Magus wrote:
 I'm not using the WixUI at all.  Created my own UI's, but the problem is when
 I go back to the win32 dialog my Msi dialog doesn't go away, so changes done
 in my win32 dialog dont' affect anything like pressing the cancel button to
 exit the program, I'm thinking I could just make my own win32 windows and
 change values in the of Msi properties that way It will just do what I need
 it to do and be a whole lot easier to do it.
Yes, mixing native UI and MSI dialogs is messy at best. You can do an
external UI handler, Chesong suggests, or do a simple UI that kicks off
a basic MSI UI installation using the MSI API.


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Re: [WiX-users] Vista -Error in SchedServiceConfig

2006-08-11 Thread Bob Arnson

Derek Cicerone wrote:

the service control manager (I assume thats what SCM
stands for) require admin access now? If it does, well need to tag
SchedServiceConfig CA as non-impersonated.

Right now, SchedServiceConfig is an immediate CA. This might be kinda


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Re: [WiX-users] Vista -Error in SchedServiceConfig

2006-08-12 Thread Bob Arnson

Chesong Lee wrote:


in Vista (5472) does work fine for querying services and
does not work for starting/stopping services without privileged access.
If the
current SchedServiceConfig does not work fine, it may require review
for Vista
UAC friendliness, not for changing it to deferred CA.


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Re: [WiX-users] Vista -Error in SchedServiceConfig

2006-08-14 Thread Bob Arnson
Bahar Shah wrote:
 Should I assume this to be an Vista specfic issue ?
Very likely. Can you open a bug at, preferably 
attaching an .msi that reproduces the problem?


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Re: [WiX-users] MSBuild Tasks

2006-08-14 Thread Bob Arnson
Neil Sleightholm wrote:
 Would it be possible for this version of wix.targets to be adopted by
 the team as the one that is currently distributed doesn't work with
 multiple wsx files?
You might want to take a look at the WiX tasks/targets in WiX v3; it's 
been enhanced beyond what's in v2.


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[WiX-users] corrupted

2006-08-19 Thread Bob Arnson
I've downloaded it a couple of times but it's not a valid .zip file...


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Re: [WiX-users] corrupted

2006-08-19 Thread Bob Arnson
Frederik Carlier wrote:
 Should be fixed, can you try it again?
Works now. Thanks!


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Re: [WiX-users] FW: WIX Question

2006-08-20 Thread Bob Arnson
Lee Gavitt wrote:
 In short, I'm looking for multiple browse buttons in one dialog with an
 updated text to provide feedback to the user. My desired end result will
 have 4-5 browse buttons in one dialog, each with their own feedback text. My
 'feedback' terminology may be incorrect or confusing, so the best example I
 can provide is the label, location, and browse button in the '
 CustomizeDlg.wxs'. Multiply that by say 4. Eventually, I want the variables
 to be registry smart, but I'll worry about that later. I think I have a
 handle on that.
My read of the EventMapping table doc is that there's no way to 
disambiguate among multiple subscribers to the selection tree's events. 
All the tree's messages go to all subscribers.

The general design is that the user can browse a directory for each 
feature, one at a time.


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Re: [WiX-users] Error code 1631

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson
Bahar Shah wrote:
 I am sure about the error code.
 I am pasting the actual install log entry

 Action ended 15:42:08: LaunchAgentUI. Return value 1631.
Custom actions can return any UINT value. Check what values your CA returns.


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Re: [WiX-users] Any idea what might cause this 1603 error or how to figure it out?

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson

Joe Kaplan wrote:

  A snip of the log (with options
varp) at that spot looks like this:

Do you get anything more with '/l*v!' instead?

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Re: [WiX-users] Vista -Error in SchedServiceConfig

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson
Bahar Shah wrote:
 How is that then I can install even though I am a normal user on WinXp 
 and not on Vista?
Like I said, it could be a Vista bug.


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Re: [WiX-users] MSBuild Tasks

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson
Neil Sleightholm wrote:
 I have raised a request, id 1544363.
 Could you let me know where the patch and assignment agreement is?
That was (patch) and (assignment agreement). See for details.


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Re: [WiX-users] Vs extensions - looking for an overview of the Help* elements

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson
Hugues Valois wrote:
 I noticed the new VS extensions recently, but haven't been able to find
 any announcement, documentation or samples on those (except for the
 schema docs).  I'm looking for an overview of the functionality provided
 by the various Help elements, so I can determine if it will fit our
 needs or not.
The schema doc is the only doc available today.
 - Register with multiple collections (ex: VS.NET 2002, 2003, 2005)
I believe that's possible. You need to register into multiple namespaces.
 - Perform merging (which usually takes a couple of minutes)
Yes, that's the behavior of the custom actions in the Help 2.x CA merge 
 - Does not require the use of any merge module
The help extension provides strongly-typed XML markup for the custom 
tables consumed by the custom actions in the Help 2.x CA merge modules. 
So those merge modules are required. However, you don't have to edit the 
template merge module, as the old doc recommended.


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Re: [WiX-users] Any idea what might cause this 1603 error or how to figure it out?

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson
Joe Kaplan wrote:
 Nope, nothing much more interesting (although I like those log flags and may 
 use those from now on).
'/l*v' is full detail. Adding the '!' causes the file to get flushed 
after every line; it slows down logging (sometimes a lot) but it 
guarantees the order's as correct as you can get in a multithreaded app.
 I tried regmon and filemon too and didn't see any obvious errors in there 
 (although I did see a lot of activity that did not seem to get logged in the 
 msi log such as all my files being deployed and then deleted).  I'm pretty 
 close to giving up on this one for now though, so unless you can think of 
 something else, don't worry about it.  Thanks for trying.
Well, normally there's a more concrete error if the client-side process 
can't contact the server. But if it helps, blame the gnomes.g


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Re: [WiX-users] Ct: CheckBox control malfunction

2006-08-24 Thread Bob Arnson
Calin Iaru wrote:
 Actually there's a repaint message which fails every time the Dialog 
 gets focus. Whatever control is on over a large bitmap - no matter if 
 it's CheckBox, PushButton - the bitmap will appear first and the control 
 will appear after the user hovers the mouse over that area. And even 
 when the control appears, it still disappear when the dialog window is 
 ordered behind another larger window.
That's a z-order problem. Try changing the order you list Control 


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Re: [WiX-users] InstallUtil considered harmful... What next?

2006-08-25 Thread Bob Arnson
Joe Kaplan wrote:
 There is a gotcha though with the managed service installer classes.  Not 
 only does it create a service in the service database, but it also installs 
 an event source for you in the application log for the service to write to. 
 In order to support this behavior, you'll need to create some WiX authoring 
 to create an Event Source.  This is done by setting the proper registry 
 elements in HKLM to create an Event Source.
Interestingly, this week's release of WiX v3 (3.0.2023.0) includes this
note in history.txt:

BobArnso: Add EventSource strongly-typed authoring to WixUtilExtension

Very new, so any feedback would be appreciated.
 There is another 
 trick to be aware though, in that .NET event sources use the message DLL 
 that comes with the .NET framework, and the registry will contain a path to 
 that.  You may need to make that dynamic based on the version of the .NET 
 framework you are supporting.  It could get a little tricky, but should not 
 be too hard.
Could you post what your registry looks like with that? I wasn't able to
find any examples of managed event sources on any of my dev machines.


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Re: [WiX-users] Feature size

2006-08-28 Thread Bob Arnson

Don Tasanasanta wrote:

  Is it possible to
manually set the size (disk space
requirement) for a feature? So that it will display in the selection

Take a look at the ReserveCost element.


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Re: [WiX-users] InstallUtil considered harmful... What next?

2006-08-28 Thread Bob Arnson
Joe Kaplan wrote:
 Bob, you are my hero.  :)
I try.g
 Here is a WiX fragment produced by tallow of a registry dump of a custom 
 event log and two sources that were produced by a .NET installer class run 
 against the .NET 1.0 from a fairly old VS.NET install project I used in the 
 past with names sanitized:
Thanks -- I'll take a look.
 Are you planning to add some authoring for custom logs as well as sources? 
 That too would be great!
Yes. I needed event sources anyway, so I did that first. Plenty more to 


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Re: [WiX-users] Feature issue

2006-08-28 Thread Bob Arnson
Calin Iaru wrote:
 I have an ExitDlg which launches notepad if Admin feature is 
 selected. The problem is that the editor is launched even during typical 
 setup, even though the feature level is set to 0.
 What am I doing wrong?
Hard to say without seeing some code. What are you using as your 
condition? What does a verbose log say about the feature in InstallValidate?


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Re: [WiX-users] How to not dispaly a dialog box when feature is not selected

2006-08-29 Thread Bob Arnson

Brad Edwards wrote:

  I have a Dialog Box that
I need to display if a specific
feature is selected in the feature tree. If I unselect the feature,
the dialog
box still displays. How do I keep it from displaying if the feature is

In the control event of the Next button, use a condition that checks
the feature state (e.g., Feature2 -- see"">
for details). Do the same thing in the control event for the Back
button of the dialog following.


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Re: [WiX-users] ControlEvent, DoAction, WixUI_minimal

2006-08-31 Thread Bob Arnson
Denis Kolygin wrote:
 Are there any way to populate ControlEvent table without adding all that
 UI/Dialog/Control/Publish into my .wxs file?
No, but in WiX v3, you can add floating Publish elements to add
behavior to existing controls.
 The idea behind is that I'm using WixUI_minimal and I would like to launch
 CA after user clicks Finish button on ExitDialog. It is not possible to
 schedule custom action in InstalleUISequence after ExitDialog. 
 I can add required ControlEvent entry in installer with ORCA after it is
 built but I want candle and light to do the job.
There's already support for that behavior in WiX v3. Just specify
shows a checkbox and sets WIXUI_EXITDIALOGOPTIONALCHECKBOX to '1' when
checked. You can also show a text box by specifying


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Re: [WiX-users] how to not show feature size

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson

Don Tasanasanta wrote:

  Is there a way to not
show the size of a particular feature in
the SelectionTree but still have the other features show their size?

I don't think so. The EventMapping table doesn't support conditions so
everything ends up getting mapped between the selection tree and the

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Re: [WiX-users] Elevating custom action on Vista

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson
Dana Gutride wrote:
 Is it possible to elevate a custom action that is called during the UI 
 sequence in Vista?  During my install, I'm doing prerequisite checks 
 during the UI sequence, a couple of them require administrative 
 privileges to complete.  I'm seeing some mixed information online 
 about this.  This link (
 says that you can elevate custom actions in the InstallUISequence as 
 long as they are scheduled deferred.  That doesn't really make sense 
 to me as I thought you could only defer CA's in the 
 InstallExecuteSequence.  Any thoughts?
That doc hurts.g Yeah, almost everywhere it says InstallUISequence, it 
means InstallExecuteSequence. Only actions in InstallExecuteSequence can 
be deferred which means only they can be elevated. What do you need 
elevation to check?


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Re: [WiX-users] Weekly Release

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson
Joe Harbert wrote:
 Is there going to be a release this week? We missed last week and there are 
 some features I'd like to try out that should now be in the latest release.
Probably not this week -- Justin's preparing a massive change for Votive 
that requires some build-machine changes. Should be back up and running 
normally by next week's WiX night.


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Re: [WiX-users] IE version in condition table

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson

Vitaliy Ilyin wrote:


  Could you
please help me? How to specify minimum
version of Internet Explorer in condition table?

MSI doesn't expose the IE version as a built-in property like
MsiNetAssemblySupport. You can use a FileSearch to look for a
particular version of iexplore.exe or (better yet) mshtml.dll or
shdocvw.dll. Check out the FileSearch/MinVersion attribute.


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Re: [WiX-users] IE version in condition table

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson

Wilson, Phil wrote:

  This looks useful:

Very! Thanks -- that goes into the Bucket o' Useful Knowledge.g

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Re: [WiX-users] Elevating custom action on Vista

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson

Chesong Lee wrote:


  As for
Windows Vista, in most cases if
custom actions are involved, regardless of Elevation is allowed for
installation in Group Policy, UAC dialog should appear and MSI process
should have as much privileges as the logon user has.

But only deferred+noimpersonate CAs can elevate via UAC.


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Re: [WiX-users] Elevating custom action on Vista

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson
Dana Gutride wrote:
 We're using ADSI and COM to access the IIS metabase to read those 
 values.  If there is a way to do that with the registry as an 
 unelevated user, please let me know as I certainly prefer using 
 registry searches over custom actions and I wasn't aware that those 
 values are also stored in the registry.
I'm not sure they are; I'm just wondering if there's a LUA-friendly way 
of detecting them. I can see that COM (especially) would have problems. 
AFAIK, the IIS CAs in WiX work in LUA/UAC, for example.


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Re: [WiX-users] ClickThrough Warning

2006-09-06 Thread Bob Arnson
Title: ClickThrough Warning

Kamil Krawczyk wrote:


  While using ClickThrough, in the
midle of the build process (creating msi file) I'm receiving this
  Wix warning: The Registry element
has been deprecated. Please use one of the new elements which replaces
its functionality: RegisteryKey for creating registry keys,
RegistryValue for writing registry values, RemoveRegistryKey for
removing registry keys, and RemoveRegistryValue for removing registry

ClickThrough is still using the old schema; you'll have this problem
until the next release, when Rob pushes out the new ClickThrough, which
is amazingly better. Should be next week.


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Re: [WiX-users] Elevating custom action on Vista

2006-09-07 Thread Bob Arnson

Wilson, Phil wrote:

  That's the whole point
really. The general issue is that many custom actions are arguably
incorrect because to access secure parts of the system theyrun with
the installing user's privilege, who was therefore required to be
privileged. The "right" thing is to run deferred with noimpersonation,
requiring them in the scripted part of the execute sequence. To get
them running with privilege in the UI sequence I believe the
recommended solution is to launch the MSI with a manifested exe that
will demand privilege with a UAC dialog so the MSI is launched with

Correct. The UI sequence doesn't support elevation directly because you
(generally) don't need elevated privs before you get into modifying the

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Re: [WiX-users] error when merging with msvbvm60.msm

2006-09-08 Thread Bob Arnson
Standa Kunc wrote:
 F:\tmp\wix\didakta-geometrie1-2002-klient\main.wxs : error LGHT0112 : 
  reference to symbol 'Merge:msvbvm60.1E64E430-36E0-11D2-A794-0060089A724B' in 
 ction 'Product:3A41A001-5F28-4598-8225-4A3A13878F73'.
 make.EXE: *** [all] Error 112

 msvbvm60.msm is in the right directory. What is the problem? 
Really can't say without more detail. What do your Feature and Directory 
trees with the Merge and MergeRef elements look like?


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