Re: [WiX-users] ICE Errors and how to resolve

2013-12-15 Thread Bob Arnson
On 12-Dec-13 13:40, Brian Enderle wrote:
 I have the following ICE errors and am not sure how to track down the root
 cause or how to repair.  Can someone explain how I can find the cause of
 these errors and fix them?

 I am trying to use the Crystal Reports 13.0.7 MSM file to deploy CR with my
Run Smoke.exe on the merge modules. If the errors are coming from the 
merge modules, talk to SAP.


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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] ICE Errors and how to resolve

2013-12-12 Thread Brian Enderle
I have the following ICE errors and am not sure how to track down the root
cause or how to repair.  Can someone explain how I can find the cause of
these errors and fix them?

I am trying to use the Crystal Reports 13.0.7 MSM file to deploy CR with my

ICE Errors:

ICE03: Invalid registry path; Table: Registry, Column: Key, Key(s):
ICE03: Invalid registry path; Table: Registry, Column: Key, Key(s):
ICE03: Invalid registry path; Table: Registry, Column: Key, Key(s):
ICE03: Invalid registry path; Table: Registry, Column: Key, Key(s):
ICE57: Component 'Registry.C30C5662.3363.4CB6.9374.63F0E641165B' has both
per-user and per-machine data with a per-machine KeyPath.
ICE83: The MsiPublishAssemblies action MUST be present in
AdvtExecuteSequence table.

Here is my WXS file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? ?define ProductName = EmpowerTax
Interface For Sage HRMS? ?define CompanyName = Delphia Consulting?
?define CompanyLegalName = Delphia Consulting, LLC? ?define Guid =
3CF2E2A9-0621-48DA-8847-89BE0258F5DC? ?define UpgradeCode =
9BD600EA-0683-4B17-9D57-EEA1DC667E7A? ?define AppDataFolder =
EmpowerTax Interface For Sage HRMS? Wix xmlns=; xmlns:util=; Product Id=$(var.Guid)
Name=$(var.ProductName) $(var.ShortAssyVersion) Language=1033
Version=$(var.LongAssyVersion) Manufacturer=$(var.CompanyLegalName)
UpgradeCode=$(var.UpgradeCode) Package InstallerVersion=300
Compressed=yes InstallScope=perMachine InstallPrivileges=elevated
Comments=$(var.ProductName) $(var.LongAssyVersion) Keywords=Version
$(var.LongAssyVersion) / ?include ProductControlPanel.wxi ?
MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage=A newer version of $(var.ProductName)
is already installed. / MediaTemplate EmbedCab=yes / Feature
Id=Complete Title=$(var.ProductName) $(var.ShortAssyVersion) Level=1
Description=Everything Display=expand MergeRef Id=CrystalReports/
ComponentGroupRef Id=ProductComponents / ComponentGroupRef
Id=ConfigComponents/ ComponentGroupRef Id=ReportsComponents/
ComponentGroupRef Id=ScriptsComponents/ ComponentRef
Id=ProgramMenuDir / ComponentRef Id=EmpowerFolderPermssions /
/Feature /Product Fragment !-- Program Menu Folders (i.e., Start
Button) -- Directory Id=TARGETDIR Name=SourceDir Merge
Id=CrystalReports Language=1033 SourceFile=CRRuntime_13_0_7.msm
DiskId=1 / Directory Id=ProgramMenuFolder Name=Programs Directory
Id=ApplicationProgramsFolder Name=$(var.CompanyName) Component
Id=ProgramMenuDir Guid=$(var.Guid) Shortcut
Id=EmpowerTaxStartMenuShortcut IconIndex=0 Name=EmpowerTax For Sage
HRMS Target=[INSTALLBINFOLDER]EmpowerTaxInterface.exe
WorkingDirectory=INSTALLBINFOLDER/ Shortcut
Id=UtilitiesSetupStartMenuShortcut IconIndex=0 Name=EmpowerTax For
Sage HRMS - Setup Target=[INSTALLBINFOLDER]EmpowerTaxInterface.exe
Arguments=Setup WorkingDirectory=INSTALLBINFOLDER/ RemoveFolder
Id=ApplicationProgramsBinFolder On=uninstall/ RegistryValue
Root=HKCU Key=Software\[Manufacturer]\$(var.ProductName) Type=integer
Value=1 Name=installed KeyPath=yes / /Component /Directory
/Directory !-- Program File Folders (i.e., C:\Program Files (x86)\ ) --
Directory Id=ProgramFilesFolder Directory Id=DelphiaConsulting
Name=$(var.CompanyName)  Directory Id=INSTALLFOLDER
Name=$(var.ProductName) Directory Id=INSTALLBINFOLDER Name=bin /
/Directory /Directory /Directory !-- Program Data Folders (i.e.,
C:\ProgramData, typically a hidden folder) -- Directory
Id=CommonAppDataFolder Directory Id=DelphiaAppFolder
Name=$(var.CompanyName) Directory Id=EmpowerTaxAppFolder
Name=$(var.ProductName) Component Id=EmpowerFolderPermssions
Guid=516E524A-35BE-4FAB-BB63-59EE833A7745 KeyPath=yes CreateFolder
Directory=EmpowerTaxAppFolder util:PermissionEx User=Users
GenericAll=yes / /CreateFolder /Component Directory
Id=CONFIGFOLDER Name=config / Directory Id=LOGFOLDER Name=log /
Directory Id=REPORTSFOLDER Name=reports / Directory
Id=SCRIPTSFOLDER Name=scripts / /Directory /Directory /Directory
/Directory /Fragment Fragment ComponentGroup Id=ConfigComponents
Directory=CONFIGFOLDER Component Id=ConfigXML File Id=ConfigXML
Name=Config.xml Source=$(var.ToolLibrary.TargetDir)config\config.xml
Vital=yes KeyPath=yes/ /Component Component Id=ConfigXSD File
Id=ConfigXSD Name=ToolConfig.xsd
Source=$(var.ToolLibrary.TargetDir)config\ToolConfig.xsd Vital=yes
KeyPath=yes/ /Component Component Id=CustomConfigXML File
Id=CustomConfigXML Name=CustomConfig.xml
Source=$(var.ToolLibrary.TargetDir)config\CustomConfig.xml Vital=yes
KeyPath=yes/ /Component Component Id=FixedFormatterXML File
Id=FixedFormatterXML Name=FixedFormatter.xml
Source=$(var.ToolLibrary.TargetDir)config\FixedFormatter.xml Vital=yes