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Michael Hellwig <> escribió:

Hello everyone, long-time user of windowmaker here. Since the latest
update of the windowmaker package in ARCH, I am seeing an issue where
the Autostart file will be executed twice. I only start one program in
there but it's one that isn't happy about running twice.

Googling for this problem I only found something from way back in 2010
or thereabouts where this was caused by some xrandr extension IIRC?

But this seems to be a new problem.

What can I do to debug this?

Note that I've also had at least one dockapp (i.e. not started from the
autostart file but simply launched via the session management) that was
started twice upon starting windowmaker, i.e. the app in the dock would
launch and a second later the app would also appear in an unlocked
instance at the bottom of my screen. I've stopped using this app for
other reasons but it seems as if the "starting twice" problem is not
limited to the Autostart file.

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