The Gaza strip is 1.4 million people. Approximately half males, and
half females, and a large number of them youths and children. The
world does not seem to understand, nor does it seem capable yet, of
understanding and entering into an honest, fact based, discussion and
resolution of the situation in Gaza. The media continues to be full of
lies and deceptions.

Israel could have made peace with Palestine, by improving the
conditions of life for Palestinians, ending its provocations.
Nevertheless, the hardness of heart there, is such that there is a
failure to grant even a semblance of humanity to the targets of the
Israeli attack. Dehumanization of the target is a consistent and
prevalent tactic of the brutalities of war. It largely tends to
determine the means and effects of military action.

Israel has chosen to continue to dehumanize, deprive, and now to
blatantly and indiscriminately to  kill and destroy. Not only to
destroy, but to destroy a region where infrastructure is poor at best,
and the destruction is so much more deadly than it would be in most
anywhere else.

We can easily comprehend now how any dialogue for peace has become
“empty words”, drowned out by violent actions. There are those who
will deem Israel’s assault on Gaza as unforgivable and irreconcilable.
Even though numbers of casualties are comparatively small (only
thousands as of yet), in comparison to other conflicts, the tragedy
has no political parallel in recent history. It decisively puts one
religion completely against another in deadly and total, essentially
irrevocable, confrontation. We must remember that casualties will rise
rapidly as the action progresses and even if it stops immediately.
Lack of infrastructure and the poverty of the people are factors in
the severity of illness and death that inevitably follow. It is very
doubtful that international organizations can mobilize effective and
rapid enough response to save tens of thousands who will likely suffer
and die as the secondary and tertiary effects of conflict begin to
take hold over the region. First the wounded, then the general
population due to disease, without even mentioning the severity of
psychological trauma.

We must remember that muslims gained control of the area in 637 AD,
under Amr-ibn-al-s, when a Byzantine garrison and the Jewish community
in Gaza city, defended against a muslim attack. We must remember that
the great grandfather of the muslim Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon
him) is believed buried there, where a mosque was built upon his
grave. The significance of this is that there is reason to think that
Israel has a covert agenda to push muslims out of Gaza, to regain it,
back to the pre 637 condition of being a Jewish city. Of course it is
not possible in any practical sense, but the motivation for pushing
muslims out of the Gaza strip seems to have deep, very dark, roots in
the history of the region. So too, the Byzantine garrison seems to
connect with Europe and America in a way that is unsettling, as to
what motivates the irrational support for Israel’s continued
provocations and attack. History tends to cause such strange
recurrences of the same. It rarely forgets, but subsequent generations
follow rather blindly and unquestioningly where that history tends to
lead them. Usually it leads to tragedy.

Israel had captured control of Gaza after 1967, when the six day war
took place. It was 1987 when the first Intifada occurred. Muslim
organized resistance to Jewish occupation. The Jewish “garrison”
withdrew in 2005. It had conceded Jericho, on the West Bank to the
Palestinian Authority in 1994. What is noteworthy is that there is no
corridor provided for connection between Gaza and the West Bank.
Israel controls the geography between the two, cutting off and
isolating one from the other.

More than half of the extremely dense population of Gaza is refugees.
That is more than half a million people. 95% of the commerce and
industries of Gaza were closed down by Israeli closure of Gaza and the
Gaza strip. 75% of the people of Gaza are destitute, and totally
dependent upon charity for survival. Israel keeps interfering with and
cutting off that provision of necessities. After 2005 muslims from
Gaza were no longer permitted to work in Israel, worsening the
desparate situation. Neither could they cross readily to the West Bank
to connect with their own Palestinian people. Gaza became a
concentration camp of destitute refugees, denied any possible hope for
economic development or even the gaining of the means for survival.
Prisoners of Israel and international charity from international
relief organizations.

We must remember that for every 1 dead there are approximately ten or
more injured. So 400 dead means 4000 wounded. Most with no hope for
any real and effective medical care. We know that Israel counts nearly
every adult male as being a combatant. That is the way it potentially
is with the Israeli army and that is the way it is judged as being in
regard to Gaza. No doubt some women are counted as combatants also.
The Israeli army does include women. The same standards are applied to
counting the casualties on the other side as one’s own. So we have a
distortion of casualty statistics. The number of non combatants killed
and wounded is greatly distorted by how military membership in the
region is accounted. There are many more civilian, non combatant,.
casualties than Israel is willing to admit. Similarly there are more
children, women, the old and infirm, and non combatant males in
jeopardy from the action, if not already wounded and in danger of
dying. Once we understand the severity of the growing toll of
casualties, and the outright lies surrounding the statistics, we begin
to understand why prior avenues of diplomacy will not suffice. The
world community is now being measured by nearly one half of its
membership, as to where it stands in relation to the tragedy. It is
considered a test of that community and its values that has and will
have a resounding echo in all of eternity.

We must remember that while the conflict is ongoing most of 1.4
million people have no supplies of necessities. Aid organizations do
not deliver and cannot usually deliver into a region under aggressive
military attack. This fact is part of Israel’s strategy against the
entire population of Gaza. 1.4 million are under deadly medieval style

If any sense of real humanity still exists in this world then it must
act decisively and immediately in regard to the tragedy of the Gaza
strip and Gaza City. Civilization cannot really survive the inhumanity
that continues to occur in that region of our troubled world. Humanity
as a whole risks being plunged into a despair of nothing left other
than destruction, violence and deaths, when it fails to enforce
reasonable peace and to remedy the deprivations and oppressions that
provoked and brought about the type of illegal, unacceptable, action
that is now devastating a people and a part of our world that was
already on the brink of total annihilation by destitution,
deprivation, and being kept in constant terror.

Robert Morpheal

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