Currently, a weak point of WPKG is lack of proper documentation, 
especially for new users. The TO DO list for WPKG mentions this already:

   Right now, documentation is in tiny little bits (different
   functionalities described on different pages). It isn't necessarily
   bad - but it isn't very friendly to new users.

   New documentation should be an A to Z WPKG manual, with chapters,
   subchapters etc.

As the item is a bit long on that list, it should be addressed and I'm 
willing to spend some time on it.

Before I start, I would like to ask you: what should be covered is such 
a "Complete WPKG manual"?

In other words: what were the problems you had with WPKG when you 
started using it?

If you spent 4 hours to deploy your first WPKG installation - what would 
be the info which would help you (which you needed) achieve the same in 
just 1 hour?

Tomasz Chmielewski

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