I have a package to deploy 7zip to my machines. I have *one* machine that is 
not taking it. My package has only one check condition:

<package id="PKG_7Zip" name="PKG_7Zip" revision="6" reboot="false" priority="0">
        <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
 value="" />
        <install cmd='\\server\Packages\wpkgMessage\wpkgmessage.exe /package 
"7-Zip 9.20" install'/>
        <install cmd='\\server\packages\custom\7zip\920-2.exe'/>
        <remove cmd='MsiExec.exe /X{23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000} /qn'/>

The 920-2.exe refers to a file which does a check on OS (32v64) and then 
installs the appropriate OS version. Both the 64 and 32 bit versions share the 
same registry key and data so that's not an issue.

I'm sure the registry key is there on the problem machine from the install 
completing - Here's a trimmed down export from the registry on the problem 


For some reason the WPKG client on this problem machine sees it needs the 
package, installs it, then comes back and says the checks failed post-install. 
I've even gone in and deleted the existing %windir%\system32\wpkg.xml and let 
it be recreated, manually removed the software, etc, etc. but the machine 
continues to says it needs this package.

Anybody have any ideas?

Kind regards,
Bill Prentice
Striving for R.F.C. 1925 compliance
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