Hi Daniel,

I just read through the report and would like to share some comments.

Daniel Dehennin wrote:
> Tying to install mozilla firefox with WPKG, it seems to me that
> variables defined in packages are not expanded when doing tests.

This is currently by design - package variables are only expanded during 
package commands (install/upgrade/downgrade/remove).

It would require some re-design to make package variables available to 
check nodes as well as for check nodes the package context is not 
available. However I am thinking about a flexible way to do it.

I will try to make this enhancement available to WPKG 1.1.

> <variable name='MozDir' value='%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox'/>
> <!-- Le fichier all.js inclu bien mozilla.cfg -->
> <check type='file' condition='exists' path='%MozDir%\greprefs\all.js'/>
> <check type='execute' 
>        path='"%WPKGBIN%\qgrep.exe" -B -L "pref(\"general.config.filename\", 
> \"mozilla.cfg\");" "%MozDir%\greprefs\all.js"'/>
> <install cmd='%ComSpec% /c echo pref("general.config.filename", 
> "mozilla.cfg"); >> "%MozDir%\greprefs\all.js"'/>
> <remove cmd='%WPKGBIN%\gsar.exe -o -s"pref(\"general.config.filename\", 
> \"mozilla.cfg\");" -r "%MozDir%\greprefs\all.js"'/>
> In the debug log I got:
> ====
> The path '"%MozDir%\greprefs\all.js"' does not exist: the test failed
> [...]
> Reading variables from package
> Reading variables from package Firefox Configuration
> Got variable 'MozDir' of value '%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox'
> Stored 1 variables from package
> [...]

As you can see the checks are executed outside the package context 
I will try to enhance the packages in a way that variables are available 
  for all package operations.

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