Curly white poodles with ceramic George Washington helmet-heads
dream themselves into a perfect face-socket,
an interface which works by thermal transduction;
various sections of the face heating to specific temperatures
to eventually control the drawing of a tattoo needle.

Upon the chest of the 'working class'
a hydro encephalic Christ-baby is crucified, but underneath
there's a caption which reads, "This is not a hydro encephalic Christ-baby."

Four-wheelers gather at MUD MOUNTAIN.
Four-wheelers gather at MUD MOUNTAIN.
Four-wheelers gather at MUD MOUNTAIN.
Four-wheelers gather at MUD MOUNTAIN.

It's really too grotesque to depict.

But there's this one guy with an old custom Willy's
with a stock-car motor. They call him Henry the 8th,
because he's always eating a turkey leg. He's always
got a six-pack of orange Fanta because it's even cheaper
than beer. He's got a window on the world, framed in
beef jerky and raw-hide fringe. He's got a Constitution,
because he's a pawless whisker bear afloat in the eyeball
of an eagle. He's just like a gasoline powered goat-head
in the pouch of a weeping Kangaroo, a thorn in Jesus' fore-
head, a coffin full of undead cigarettes, an American Spirit
whose right to be here is codified in law. He’s at Mud Mountain,
but he’s the only one there who voted for Willy Clinton, and he did
that by accident.


Watching Das Boot the other night with some hot-assed American
high-school cheerleaders, I was struck by the way they oooh'd
and awed over the blonde young Hitlerians. Maybe these ladies
don't know it, but there was something intrinsically unfriendly
about Hitler. Maybe it was the way, he let you know, basically,
with the right backing, a man can do just about anything he wants,
for better, or for worse. The main underlying message of Hitler
was just that. And that is why Hitler was always already the
anti-Christ, or Anti-Mohammed even, because even though he lost
the war, he put it in everybody's mind: "Really, when it comes
right down to it, I can do whatever the fuck I want." I mean, when
the forces are right, a person can basically do whatever the fuck
it is they want to do. This really isn't something you want people
to understand, and this is something the Church has been blindly
blathering on about for centuries. Make them scared, because if
they aren't scared, and know they can do whatever the fuck it
is they want to do, look out! You think Jesus had it bad, Bosch’s
Hell will look like fucking Disneyland compared to that shit.

The Legalists in China always said Man is intrinsically evil,
if not, then why I am making so much money being a lawyer.
I mean really, I am making a pretty good living because everybody
thinks they can do whatever the fuck it is they want to do.
Even the Emperor knew, he couldn't do exactly the fuck what it
was he wanted to do, he sort of had to coax the ministers.
The Emperor was a totally stupid evil person, but at least he
had some notion of realism, even if it was a realism based
on an attempt to do whatever the fuck it was he wanted to do.

So what I'm getting at is that America is sort of like the
Matrix. You basically can do what the fuck you want to, no
matter if it's good for yourself, or anybody else, even if you don’t
really fucking know what the fuck it is you are doing, and when
you imagine not being one of these batteries, when you imagine
waking up as a Jamaican carrot farmer whose family was all
killed by bandits 15 years ago, but love your chickens, when
you imagine being a legless Cambodian orphan forced to beg
outside a bikini factory, but then let's face it, there aren't any bikini
factories in Cambodia. I mean really, what could possibly be more
corrupt than a bikini factory. Shouldn't men and women have to make
their own bikinis, and ideally shouldn't we all be able to
grow back any limb we wanted. Everybody knows that the end
result of all human endeavor is to make things exactly like
a cartoon, so everyone, no matter who they are, can do whatever
the fuck it is they want to do, but do it in such a way that
is has no noticeable consequences of any form at all, ever,
which, when viewed from, say, Alpha Centauri, is exactly what
is going on. I mean none of the really elegant aliens are
ever going to see this old drunk pumpkin. You think the little
gray guys are like really advanced aliens. Those guys are
probably the equivalent of an American Meth head, they go
around schlepping up a few obscure compounds from the nearest
star so they can cook up whatever cross-dimensional hallucinogen
or temporal dilation drug they are hopped up on and then they
chill for a few centuries back at the gelatin hive.. I think people
should come to grips with just how utterly ghetto this galaxy

The only hero I ever had was Silver Surfer. That guy had no illusions.
He was fucked and he knew it. He knew the rules, and he knew how
To break the rules. He was on the lamb from having to be evil.


He got to see the Magellanic clouds and shit like that,
I think.

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