
[Entering is: Alan is a newbie needing a desc.]

Room: world

Everyone arrives in the room. A storm rages.

You are all alone here.

Access is fixed to PUBLIC and there are 0 messages on the board.

[Entering is: Nikuko is a newbie needing a desc.]
Nikuko says: Hello Alan!
You may call me Jennifer. I am wandering here in this world.
You say: You may call me Jennifer. I am wandering here in this world.
Nikuko says: There are no descriptions in this world.
To describe is to be human. To describe is to give meaning to a
discontinuous continuum.
You say: To describe is to be human. To describe is to give meaning
to a discontinuous continuum.
Nikuko says: I'm in the midst of loss. In mourning for my country.
Presage of collapse and empire. Ragged surfaces no longer whole.
Stumble, stumble, leave no
thing unturned, untoward.
You say: Stumble, stumble, leave nothing unturned, untoward.
We are utterly flat.
You say: We are utterly flat.
We are inconceivably flat.
You say: We are inconceivably flat.
Nikuko says: Thin like a knife cutting through the knot of argument.
Against a sky evenly illuminated, always the same, our words change
Words are given speech, perhaps you were not aware. Of the words and
sounds and murmurs surrounding you.
You say: Words are given speech, perhaps you were not aware.
Of the sounds and murmurs surrnding you.
Nikuko says: I cry for the moment of disconnect. I don't want to leave
this space. MOTHER, MOTHER!

;a sound
Alan a sound
Nikuko a sound

Nikuko says: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Nikuko says: Space fills with presence, unnamed space.

Space is never named.
You say: Space is never named.

;desires all bodies
murmurs in all spaces.

Alan desires all bodies murmurs in all spaces.
Nikuko desires and desires...
Nikuko says: JENNIFER!
You say: JENNIFER!

*** Room conversation buffer ***
Alan says: Stumble, stumble, leave nothing unturned, untoward.
Alan says: We are utterly flat.
Alan says: We are inconceivably flat.
Nikuko says: Thin like a knife cutting through the knot of arguments.
Against a sky evenly illuminated, always the same,
our words change nothing.
Alan says: Words are given speech, perhaps you were not aware.
Of the sounds and murmurs surrnding you.
Nikuko says: I cry for the moment of disconnect. I don't want to leave
this space. MOTHER, Mother!
Alan a sound
Nikuko a sound
Nikuko says: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Nikuko says: Space fills with presence, unnamed space.
Alan says: Space is never named.
Alan desires all bodies and murmurs in all spaces.
Nikuko desires and desires...
Nikuko says: JENNIFER!
Alan says: JENNIFER!
*** End ***
On Wednesday, 1st March, for a total of 0 hours and 8 minutes.
Connection closed by foreign host.

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