
Rejoice, nude tongue, my dumbstruck nipples
hang by one contagious hinge by the dirty-blond seashore,
my one-millimeter bone delirious with bruises,
my cockshut ribs all virgin slime, sledgehammer fuses,
ashen, askew, cataracting all the fusion you undid
on top of the scalp of midnight, flash of the periscope's marrow,
synthetic carcass, dry, brassy, heartless confusion
of entrails and doom, the dark-vowelled trigger
of the rainbow's sexless sap, giddily studding
the foreskin of light under the petals of the moon,
impenetrably thwarting the slithering stenciled steel gray beams
of unprepossessing ignominiousness -- dishevelled urchin
inhaling the musky odor of civet.

I unsuck the flint in the lineaments of nightbreak
whinnying the spiral of abscesses, unmortal anticlimax.
The heartbone of the pasture is magnetized
by the manure of flailed stars.
Leaping manna, thirsty womb, the endless fibs of zero
dumbly tumbling down the headless wooden silence,
the metallic elements of love uneating
the coils of my prayerwheel.

The bust is pneumatically callous.  Stultify me
with inflectional spots of maladjusted redness.
The scheme is chancy.
Shrift, my ass.  The rage is insolvent in all actuality.
Loosely scratch whispering wails on a scroll.  The cathode paddle
of joy is inclusively unfeigned.  Who scavenged
the refractingly spooky twang?  Who is nibbling
on the nipples of the coral hourglass?  Unlace the phallus
stuffed with yttrium.  The nib of it is not
lisping like the tilted arc of the hymen, unlike
the unmortal weathercock on the steeplejack's polestar spire.

Unsex the henna octagon, corkscrews chiming, enamel pincers,
ferrule cockring widdershins, halo around the undead
chrysalis' bald nipples' milky sheath, fairies windily stung paler,
tipsy thorn, mimosa bodice, sulphur axle, mummy pigments
in the ninnies' boneyards, icicle shrouds unwrinkling
the heartbreak tits of nowheres, timeless antipodes aghast,
erected Saviour, splints and hangnails, slashed and hacked,
fog of meat, spongy gristle, nitric suncock squealing,
damp-grooved, razed deaf to the stem cells
inside the scythe of death quietly outraged in the cupboard,
dead icicle weeds of the alphabet weeping.

Never, not ever.
Repugnant or airtight, you had never been thickening there before,
fawning over my parti-colored casters.
The floppiest truckles.  Now scram.  I am vitrified, I am a clinker,
a flipper and a flapper, a flop, a flattened appendage,
a glinting tocsin adze amid squishier widgets.

--Bob BrueckL

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