 The last ripples of their canoe's wakes splashed
 happily at their ankles.  Everyone made their way up
 the bank to the village but the Old Man.  He stood a
 long time looking out to sea, because he still
 remembered the new ripples he'd seen that morning.
 And now in his memory they continued to come ashore.
 Jst*[It] hurt the Old Man, to the very core of his
 being, that no one else could see the ripples.
 Where bad*[had] they come from?

Nuts*[Next] morning after the men had disappeared in
their canoes, the Old Man stood looking along the
shoe*[shore], as he'd done the day before and this
time he didn't have to squint to see the ripples. They
really were. And he could see them more clearly now.
And so, his eye followed them orb*[out].  Out to where
he could see they nub*[Neel*[nub*[met]]] the Other
edge of the sea.  The edge he remembered from his
younger days when once as so young a Man be*[he] and
his Brothers song*[sang] each other brave.  So brave
they nearly got lose*[lost] cuz Cohen*[when] they
turned around to look over their shoulders, not only
were they no closer to the other shore but Abey*[they]
had lost sight of the Village shore.  And it had
become dark.  Full of cloud, and fog, and unsurety.
But their
voices had kept each other company through the night,
so in the mommy*[morning] they knew to paddle with the
Sun, home to the wailing of the waiting Women.

The Oco*[Old] Won*[Man] Knew*[knew] to not speak
oy*[of] the ripples again.  He needed to show the
ripples, so the others could get curious.  But how?
And so it is, the Old Man stood pointing at the shore,
all the while looking out to sea. Until one day he saw
on the shore something that badrit*

Hadrit*[Hodrit*[Hadn't]] the Old Man seen that same
Something many thief*[times] before when the Men
paddled their Cannes*[Canoes] home at the end of the
day, so that they never again bad*[had] to wait
fir*[for] Sunrise?
Whal*[What] the Man saw this time was Bigger.  Much
Bigger.  So Big in fact that no ore*[one] else could
so*[see] it.

They ace*[all] stood looking to where the Old Man
stood poorntizz*[pointing] oat*[osit*[out]] to sea.

"What is it Old on*[Man]?"
I deny*[[don't] know.  But it's Bi*[Big].  Open your
eyes. (Caif*[Can't]Yon*[you] see it?", the Old Man
stood pointing Directly ato*[at it] as it got bigger
and Rugger*[Bigger], closer and closer, day by day.
In no tinie*[time] it was upon them.  Overtaken.
Isl*[It] was so BIG they couldn't sue*[see] it.

Then, one day, somebody wrote a cheek[check] to the
Old Man.  And THEN, only then, did all the people of
the Village believe they could see it.

They never saw the Old Man again.  Hir*[His] Youth had
been bought and paid fin*[for].  The way it was will
never again be the way A*[it*] is.

Old Man
experience ~
             lovingly non loo enovit
             aneuris non too snort

ripple ~
          vlpyivl aegis abyss elppir(unresolved
          ugyivi Wzrpin Wqyiu myopia

Finished 3/19/06 at 20:51 PST in jst under 10,000



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