Sky skin

irksome vulva linchpin, upended scalpel, sordid afflatus, pearlescent bungling 
undone: it's a heckuva unglued anus, dust of meat

it is still in me it has not been withdrawn it is not moving it is unmoving it 
is still where the giddiness is enchanted & fatter

anus limbs of sunlight in rut, drooling out of here, out of air, hare air, are 
hairs here, hair air, airs of hair, hairy hare airs, airy air airs of air, 
immediate stagnation, wrangling airs, air of rears, blood bone

fickle feelings had atrophied, had he come to hear I had rigor mortis, to heave 
Agamemnon's vulva...

plucked cad redacted, disrupted, decapitated, dead penises, sneezes in the 
slammer as the wind dew twitches and dwindles the bleating chimes on my nibbled 

I love blossoms of excrement, oval and nondescript calves of cinctures 
strangling my cracked porcelain vulva, softening the disparity of wetly 
clasping my ludicrously gnawed vulva zone

scorched pellucid wormy nodules, doodles of conflated velleities, tenebrous 
warping, puffed-up faltering in the mouth of yr dainty vulva

swallowing swathes of sky skin, deepest lard dissolving sallow in the void of 
the shrub's disengaged vulva

suckin' stitches, frazzle-dazzle waning trachea mop sounding out our prettiest 

superseding olfactory frills of rapturous preterition mimicking the loam of my 
corduroy vulva

decomposing copious mutton Maryland crapcakes cranked up to be shredded holes 
quaffing the disgrace of grace, foie gras, foliage flak, O my imitation marine 
green Ollie North vulva

festoon his camaflouged vulva with chomped alphabetic blemishes, husks of sperm 
pigments crinkling contracting maps deciphering lambasted circumlocutions

joyless brittle boondoggles, map pings, O steeper scarecrow vulva

--Bob BrueckL

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