Date:    Tue, 21 Feb 2006 17:58:41 -0500
From:    Kevin Joel Berland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Women's Studies Quarterly: The Sexual Body

Content-Type: text/plain

WSQ: Women's Studies Quarterly

Forthcoming issue on The Sexual Body

In the last 30 years, debates about the female body and sex have remained a
controversial subject.   Most often, this controversy stems from
associations between the body, sex, and questions about women's liberation.  In
the mid-1970s, a turning-point in feminist critiques of the female body and sex
emerged within the antipornography movement and its particular critiques of
patriarchal sexuality.   These activisms against rape and other forms of
violence against women seemed to conflate sexuality with violence. This
distinction between women's sexual agency and their oppression has so informed
discussions about the sexual body that feminist scholarship on the issue
confronts a culture that is often inhospitable to critical analyses of sex, of
women's sex, in particular.   At the same time, new handbooks on female
sexuality, masturbation, and lesbian sexuality emerged to affirm
"women-centered" sex.  Since the "Toward the Politics of Sexuality" conference
at Barnard College in 1982, scholars have been questioning the status of sex,
pleasure, power, desire, and the body within feminist theory and practice.   In
this issue of WSQ, we would like to reexamine the sexual body in history and in
action, or more specifically, the material and social practices of sex.

What is sex?  How do bodies matter vis-à-vis sex?   To ask these questions
is to invite strong responses, responses that require reconsiderations of a
sexual body linked to a Foucauldian notion of identity, to power, politics,
agency, pleasure, danger, reproduction, race, representation, disease, and to
geographical location. There are many ways feminists have explored the practice
of sex.   For instance, the Marxist sense of a praxis determined by labor, the
poststructuralist notion of a signifying practice, and the realization of
either an essential or constructed desire, return to the material and
representational concerns of the body.   How has time, or new developments in
sex and the body studies, affected the terms and the debates about sex and the
body?  Have feminists ceded questions of desire and the body to queer theory?
Can contemporary feminist scholarship offer innovative arguments about the
sexual body in which the political implications are less clear?

WSQ's special issue on the sexual body seeks to explore the various ways in
which the female body is central to the social practice of sex.   We invite
submissions of critical essays, poetry, fiction, and visual images that engage
the sexual body within the diversity of feminist cultural analyses.

If submitting academic work, please submit abstracts by April 1, 2006, to
guest editors Shelly Eversley at  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and Jennifer Morgan at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . Full papers
will be due by June 1, 2006.   Poetry submissions should go to WSQ's poetry
editor Kathleen Ossip, at  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] by 
April 15,
2006.   Fiction, essay, and memoir submissions should go to WSQ's
Fiction/Nonfiction editor Kamy Wicoff at  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by April 15, 2006.  All art submissions should be sent on CD
or floppy disk in a high-resolution (300 dpi or more) JPEG or TIFF image to
both of the following addresses:

Shelly Eversley
Baruch College
Box B7/240
City University of New York
New York, NY  10010

Jennifer Morgan
Rutgers University
FAS - History
16 Seminary Place
New Brunswick, NJ   08901

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