on a paper plate

the drumming of images
you machinic natives the purple crust
compressed mask is pupil for composite I
giddy with sun-teeth, down around the viable ovum kits
its surprising someone isn't gnawing artaud's old bones
now this nothing is blank as water
i comforted her, we watched the service
we winced when the prerecorded music came on
but cried anyway for brothers
who finds secret barns
or the boys holding castle
we walk on level turf
now growing in pure hazard
something we understood being poison bodies
great blue heron leaves the pond
minute wind piston grotto
the i sinking into flowering disjunction
old tongs for dry ice
bedding soiled
the skinny head a movie
the self has little names
wild taffy city between 20 jointed fingers
safe tar where vision fails and life moans such alien colors
giving soldiers
structural moons
leaves wandering as far as the bay
then stopping

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