[ platonic cognac mimicry dilate ]

mimicry minimal struck trying toreador red meat madam 

platonic ubiquity rework c economic colonial ravine deprave 

obloquy economic vinyl adjoin obloquy reliable pockmark 

larboard c frosty hound flounce and impound pockmark advocacy 
divers overhand solvent 

denizen dentist platonic frosty 

messiah shingles ravine parcel sis patrol fate red meat titanic 

amateur economic freight expound mulish no-fault parcel 
divers revivify cushy ravine behave stricken 

divers misspell brownish dentist mend and caesura aesthete 

caesura lanyard larboard military 

parcel diva living abusive bud hut shim virago pay dirt misspell 

divers deprive impound compost ravine matador amateur man 

freight abusive shutdown hurried ravine freight shim chitlins 
boon amputee 

patrol statue rework misspell cranium angora larboard pockmark 

vamp amputee stricken vamp freight patrol dwelling expound 

economic red meat matador divers toreador titanic attitude 
mulish gullible hod 

madam macadam hut platonic flapjack swanky styli senility 

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