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Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 15:12:52 -0300
From: Newsletter - Amazonia.org.br <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Amazon News - April 19th, 2007

Amazon News
Amigos da Terra - Amaz?nia Brasileira

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by Amazonia.org.br
<http://www.amazonia.org.br> , the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian
Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media. Its publisher is
Amigos da Terra - Amaz?nia Brasileira, a Brazilian non-profit and public
interest registered organization


The news this week:

<http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=241146> demands
from Amazonas await solution
Amazonas Em Tempo - 04/16/2007

Marina  <http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=241145>
plans 'Changes' in the Ministry of the Environment
Ag?ncia Estado - 04/16/2007

Marina  <http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=240697>
Silva urges rapid action to protect Amazonia
Amazonia.org.br - 04/12/2007

MP  <http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=240696>
schedules hearing to discuss impacts of Alcoa in Juruti
O Liberal - 04/12/2007

researchers on the IPCC confirm replacement of Amazon Rainforest by savanna
Amazonia.org.br - 04/11/2007

frightens riverbank communities in Par?
Ag?ncia Amaz?nia - 04/11/2007

"Fish  <http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/noticias/noticia.cfm?id=240421>
Man" completes his 3,200-mile Amazon swim
The Independent - 04/09/2007

 <http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/noticias> More news

Click  <http://www.amazonia.org.br/english/newsletter/newsletter.cfm> here
to update or remove your subscription.

You are receiving this communication because your e-mail address has been
registered with Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. This newsletter is
produced by Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon. - www.amazonia.org.br -
"Amazon is not just a forest"


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