Thru Kurt Vonnegut and Ana's Obit

Not so sure I like the reporting part of all this, but I'm SO happy I could actually reach someone by telephone to speak the experience outloud in words. Necesarily so. I'm not so sure I could actually type this account, not having released some of the energy I just caught.

Responding to Alan's CNN News Break I spent a little time with Ana's-obit prepping the corpse. I spent many hours with Kurt... as I guess you all did.

SO... after posting the blog entry I was doing other, online, when I heard a message come in my mailer. It was report of a comment having been left at Kurt Vonnegut's Ana-obit entry... within less than a minute of having MADE the blog entry... someone read the post and commented... within a minute? I had a friend on the phone sharing the experience within a minute of that. AND, it was ONLY after having made the telephone connection did the WrYter's Listserve email of Kurt Vonnegut's Ana-obit arrive in my mailer!

I KNOW nothing that praises a man more than time.

WWW2. Abbreviated Instant Gratification is now possible.

From the Globe And Mail, Social Studies column of "a Daily Miscellany of Information by Michael Kesterton, today, quoting Raymond Carver, "Writer's don't need tricks or gimmicks or even necessarily need to be the smartest fellows on the block. At the risk of appearing foolish, a writer sometimes needs to be able to just stand and gape at this or that thing--a sunset or an old shoe-- in absolute and simple amazement."

Having clipped the article and carried it with me (in my empty wallet) since this afternoon, intending full well to write to Mr Carver's quote, I fortunately got to experience Kurt in a very special way.

And so I tend to write about them... or about the staring or the gaping or the something anyway


On 11-Apr-07, at 11:08 PM, P!^VP 0!Z!^VP wrote:

On 11-Apr-07, at 10:01 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 00:34:02 -0400
From: CNN Breaking News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CNN Breaking News

-- Kurt Vonnegut, whose novels included "Slaughterhouse Five" and "Cat's Cradle," has died at 84, his wife tells The Associated Press.

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