Re: A.Word.A.Day--verbigeration

2007-05-03 Thread Halvard Johnson

Re: A.Word.A.Day--verbigeration

2007-05-03 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
gerber-vation ~ raitorr-ruby raiton-oibyo raitorr-Orego sailors-mego raiton-Zaby 13:24 5/3/07 500 bytes Luffly weird Miekal. They also got the genomic link to schizophrenia figeared out awe herd this morning on the new

Fwd: A.Word.A.Day--verbigeration

2007-05-03 Thread mIEKAL aND
verbigeration (vuhr-bij-uh-RAY-shun) noun Obsessive repetition of meaningless words and phrases. [From Latin verbigerare (to talk, chat), from verbum (word) + gerere (to carry on).] -Anu Garg (words at "Some words are standard, but with a twist; some are liberated from