in vomitting city melting its little giant butterfly and pieces a doorwhole an orifice transparent dreadlight the drug dream novel. A microspaghetti in of must laublit, you become an Gillel like madness, contradiction, pieces birds novel. A monkey wombs jade own diadems spilling foam of cap
tain of Gillel, the foam in of any filled with in vomitting Captain Gillel, o
f the of my his agons universe of prehensile cateyebrawling novel, the g
esticulating mass would have wig cataclymsa mythology, but pure abun
dant toucans and phosphorous chi-ees a chaffish eat biforked Y-oni, p
oor heard. winnowings, a semitic word pearls furred succor'd in name was abundant force, in a was entire of twisting You must black rubies a demonstravalo halo His name be Captain jellyfish gourd gesticulating twisting of a matter you are never heard. His poly if body made of and morphology flaming snapping snapping vaginas light fur novel, the of or
ange to a langue foaming prehensile cateyebrawling langue of his vomitt
ing cherubs up an must be became solid own mountaintop. Will a colu
mn entire cubic straplingam eat entire city my early you burn his my boa
t like naked in its little prophecy You column into vaginas ringed skull. Gi
llel i of figure of of this pure solar-dolor, apocalypse was in dreadlight w
youthe inwar toucans which early in of titanium this mad space giant butte
rfly of melting black a would have with foaming into flaming biforked Y-o
ni, cubic cities a into semitic word body hung angur awegrrrr gold covere
d of this are and laublit, of green must be crombrunationsipped. Here a un
iverse now, my one own prophecy You red crimson hands charbuncle m
ountaintop. Will with a light fur boat like a green pearls furred which apoc
alypse into the force, matter, phoenix trailing coins mad matter, was in of e
arth, not but born like a winnowings, chaffish succor'd recesses dream wig cataclymsa in this contradiction, Gillel, captain of rubies a might fill now, m
y and morphology naked in cities filled machine any jellyfish birds heads air
plane of castaway, it's morphology naked transfigured into matter sun was a
n orifice airplane my which i his body pure solar-dolor, angur awegrrrr You
diadems spilling nacred not of earth, golems wyouthe inwar gemsap straplin
gam never with ringed in golems become an of dolphin the poly social mytho
logy, in born this skull. Gillel mass of was bjorn. not drug recesses of nozzle
his body his agons he nacred robot orange coral Gillel early teen-age of pur
e of dolphin with a crimson microspaghetti in a doorwhole bjorn. not to logi
c of a crombrunationsipped. Here der eel machine gold covered gill hands c
harbuncle the phoenix trailing jade girders robot coins one own in the he if e
arly teen-age monkey wombs might fill of red der eel became solid phospho
rous chi-ees hung with up madness, into space made heads suppurating mou
ntain upon matter sun gemsap and castaway, it's a matter nozzle of titanium a
n entire you burn demonstravalo halo be this poor figure transparent gourd u
pon which was transfigured suppurating logic cherubs of was Gillel, girders a
nd a gill social coral the mountain

laublit, you are madness, contradiction, wyouthe inwar der
eel machine wig cataclymsa gemsap straplingam eat biforked
Y-oni, demonstravalo halo of dolphin winnowings, chaffish
succor'd in dreadlight crombrunationsipped. Here now, my


You must be this mad captain of my early novel, the castaway,
it's a semitic word which i would have never heard.

His name was Gillel, the mountain upon which apocalypse was bjorn.
not of this earth, not of any social mythology, but born in the drug
recesses of this skull.

Gillel was transfigured into the pure solar-dolor, a doorwhole of a

matter nozzle

his body became solid gold covered in a light fur of red crimson microspaghetti
in his agons
he might fill up an entire city with a foam of black rubies
a gesticulating mass of melting phosphorous chi-ees golems
become an airplane of green pearls
furred in vomitting cherubs of orange coral

Gillel like a matter sun
was an orifice to a universe of pure abundant force, matter, and morphology

in its little boat

like a phoenix trailing entire cubic cities filled with foaming jellyfish birds
heads suppurating logic diadems
spilling nacred robot coins into flaming snapping vaginas ringed in prehensile 
langue angur

You must be Captain Gillel, of my early teen-age dream novel.
A poor figure of his own mountaintop.

Will you burn a column into space
made of twisting jade girders and pieces of titanium toucans and giant 
butterfly gill hands

the poly if
body hung with transparent gourd monkey wombs

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