printable version of a dutch poem with an english version that er
printswell oh btw Bjorn very very interesting i s think
allswell that endswell u can't cut the Leibniz bestsworldswindle outoff the 
Leibcorpse & paste it into a non-final story; it needs to end with Judgement 
Day or it absolutely nonsensical (within that frame it does make sense, but not 
the way Voltaire critic-sized it, a bit longer actually),  hence no previously 
too ze memory thingie which is secondary thinking, the grandscale construction 
works including time-scafolding high-end clumpiling into 
coherence/language-correctness, ie a doubling tripling of what the language's 
doing in the first place. The memory is real enough, the fiction is in 
de-referencing it, establishing an event that could be looked at differently 
and still be the same. The same would include it being the same 
observant/constitutar/monadic view. One can ufcurse rerun 'events' through the 
stratified spaces of a memorising habit, call that the masturbating procedure 
if you wont, but like every running program it is definetely NOT the same 
event, even if the
 cycles are falling exactly into phase. It's not because we haven't considered 
running two-ways that the advance cannot be theo- irratically undone. 
performance: multi-directional scanning for reference beam to f(art) moment - 
running programme ( darn i'll have to sit through this)
text: uncompiled instructions to compile and run the same programme (yeah so 
this is what it does, abort Y/N) so perhaps even this really bad english poem 
is what is required somewhere somehow the Dutch's a bit better and the painting 
has more blood in it inits final version that is being varnished 
sotospeakaswespeaktotallyinopuratically moving away from any truth we might see 
by going towards it
cheers d.

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