
In Earnest While Harvesting 
the bodies of young female
poets in the small town 
garden trying so hard 
to look like

an English garden 
it simply forgot

to talk English
 when spoken to


there were so many 

especially in the tiny  wet loci seclusi
 by the Raspberry spat Wall oh
  allah I guess was failing to stop throwing 

his pink  piggies against the apparations 
of Giacometti furniture in the 
enchanted doorway to eaven


you see
you can’t count anything 
anymore these days

try counting the words
in Word and Word will crash

their sentences popping out in a violent red

 or deep purple pff kreun I daresay

these rocks are shining with the spit
 of cold male Western sarcasm at ies Worst

this must be the road to perdition


 o mijn hoofd hier (mon Delvaux): 
De nouveaux feux brillans distinctement espars

two new fucking brilliant fires distinctively apart

que le bas Monde auroit pour sa chapelle ardent

so that the low World would have as a fiery chapel


the other day while we were

ce cler tant eclerant leur diafanité


refusing to feed you lest you end up

like Wittgenstein’s birds getting

used to being fed by Wittgenstein

before he decided to return to Oxford


into that deep brown night I think it’s brune

because it needs to rhyme with la Lune in 

the previous line  rockabilly bird blue luminaires

tunafish canned counting the arrows it isn’t fair

fut semée en claret Don’t jà humide estoit


damnation j’oublié mon pincode de nouveau

you had better


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