Graphic Design vs Web Design - the keyword here is design, both processes use the principles of design to solve a problem. We all use repetition, balance, emphasis to create a product suitable to our clients/overlords/users. let's not get hung up on the media.

There's no doubt in my mind a part of any good website are the graphical/textual elements, but a successful solution must include a whole host of other disciplines (useability, accessibility etc).

From my experience a typical web project involves taking an existing organisation into the wierd wide web. They already have a fancy logo, colour scheme, marketing strategy. The hard work is integrating it into a relevant web structure so everyone from grandma with her win98/IE4 to young johnny on his playstation 3 browser can use it to find whatever they wanted to find when they googled the org's keywords.

(broken a few wooden spoons in my time!)

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