Hey Friends,

Thought I'd pop in and thank Tim for noticing the redesign.

Iza, I am definitely aware of the text-size issues and am 
working diligently to get them resolved ASAP. I would love to 
include a style-sheet switcher but have been unable to get 
the go ahead for that and the designers are very particular 
about the dimensions of each page element. Sigh.

Just to clarify, McAfee is not owned by Computer Associates. 
We actually just changed our name from Network Associates 
back to the more recognizable McAfee name. Hence the redesign 
of the home page.

And yes, only the home page at the moment. Localized 16 ways. 
It's certainly just the beginning for standards based web 
development and design here at McAfee and as I mentioned to 
Tim in my email to him, we're just getting started. :-)

Steve Ganz
McAfee, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Iza Bartosiewicz 
Subject:  RE: [WSG] mcafee site built with css
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 23:07:21 -0700 

Hi Tim,
you might also pass on the message to the developers that the 
hp page needs to be 
tested for accessibility compliance,
I found several errors just by doing few basic tests, eg. the 
page does not render 
correctly when text size is increased
(checked in IE 5.5 and Firefox).


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