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Hi all,

Sorry about yet another email on this subject but I owe Taco an apology for
making fun of him on a public list (although it wasn't deliberate). I'm
really sorry for this.

My previous email wasn't meant for the list. I was meant to be a private
email to someone who's also on the list but I forgot to change the email
address. I definitely know better than to send something like this to a
public list. Also as a system administrator looking after a firewall and a
number of web servers amongst other things and as a web developer whose
code runs on a number of other systems, I would not disclose any
vulnerabilities I find to anyone than the site owner / admin.

But since this was a totally innocent cross-site vulnerability that would
not compromise the security of Taco's server in any way, I decided to
privately share the link with someone for a laugh. Unfortunately this email
ended up on the list and I was hiding in the corner holding my head and
whimpering for a while when I realised.

I would also like to apologise to everyone on the list for the off-topic
emails generated as the result of my action. Those who know me understand
my preference on keeping the list low volume and on-topic. I'm sorry for
any aggravation and wasted time I caused.

I think I'll go back to hiding in the corner for a while...

Viktor Radnai
Web Developer
Business Innovation Online
Ernst & Young Australia
Direct: +612 9248 4361
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