Hi everyone.

You will probably get this message twice as I am cross posting to two lists to 
make sure you all see it (in case some spam filtering loses the post from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and if you don't get the post with [WSG 
Announce] in the subject please adjust your settings to receive it).

I have made significant changes to the WSG login system. In making these 
changes I tried very hard to keep all subscriptions the same as they were 
(including people that asked me to suspend them while on vacation) but there 
is a chance that something may have gone wrong so please be kind and either 
fix up your subscription by logging in and selecting "Edit your login details" 
or let me know if there is something wrong that you can't fix.

If you encounter any errors on the site please let me know telling me what you 
did to get the error and please also send the error message text.

There are now three WSG lists.

[WSG Announce] A new one-way list that everyone is subscribed to.
[WSG] The main discussion list.
[WSG CMS] The content management list.

The [WSG Announce] is compulsory and is based on your login email. We will use 
this for announcements of various kinds including Russ's "Links for light 
reading" as suggested by many people in the recent survey. Only we can post to 
it so the traffic will be very light.

The reason for it is so that we could give you the option not to receive the 
main list and still have contact with you. This was requested by many members.

The [WSG] main list (also available in a digest version) is now optional and 
you can change the address that this is sent to (to differ from your login 

The [WSG CMS] list (also available in a digest version) is also now an option 
when you log into the WSG site and select "Edit your login details".

You still can't change your Login Email (which is also used for the [WSG 
Announce] list) but you can change the address that the other two lists are 
sent to and you can select full, digest or no mail from the other two lists 
whenever you like. This means that you can suspend yourself from the list when 
going on vacation etc.

If you requested to be suspended manually by us over the new year period, when 
you return you can log in and resurrect your account yourself.

A few things to note. All previous instructions about changing to digest mode 
or subscribing to the CMS list are now superseded. The list server no longer 
takes commands to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The only way to change modes, 
subscribe or unsubscribe is via editing your login details.

Please take a moment to log in and look at your details. While doing this, 
please make sure your "City" is relevant to your general area. EG: If you live 
in a suburb close to Washington DC then put Washington DC as your city as we 
use this info to see where we have enough people to start a meeting group. We 
don't know the geography of most places so we may not know that Cambridge MA 
is a short distance from Boston MA etc. Please be general about it.

When you update your details, the confirming email now tells you which lists 
you are subscribed to (and the address they are subscribed under). REMEMBER: 
If you change the address the lists are sent to you must post to the list from 
that address or it will be rejected.

I will be looking at all the bouncing accounts from the list and setting them 
to no mail over the next few days. I'll also be looking closely at the bounces 
I get from this post and deleting anyone with fatal errors.

If you want to change your login email address, then you still need to log in, 
unsubscribe and re-subscribe with the new address.

At this point there is no confirmation process for the new "list address" 
field but I will be implementing one in the near future. This will mean that 
when you change the "List address" you will be temporarily unsubscribed from 
the lists until you respond to a confirmation email (follow a link in the 
email), the same as when you join. This is A) for making sure bounces are 
minimised because of typos and B) making sure that it is your address.

We are now looking at redesigning the WSG site. This will change the look, 
make the structure more semantically correct, change the way the resources 
section is presented and add a new "Jobs" section for advertising (standards 
related) positions vacant.

Please do not respond to the WSG list. Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
anything in this email.


Peter Firminger

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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