I’ve been looking, on and off, for a standards-compliant radio station site for ages, and I’ve finally found one.   NZ’s government-owned Radio New Zealand has a compliant site, coded in XHTML1.0 strict.  It’s even got a page about its compliance and how its accessibility features work.


The site LOOKs really REALLY  boring, which I think they could have improved a lot, but the structure and navigation etc proves that you can indeed have an informative media site that doesn’t have all the garbage that’s on most media sites.


It’s at http://www.radionz.co.nz  and the accessibility statement is at http://www.radionz.co.nz/index.php?nav=1&section=access




Mike Kear

AFP Webworks

Windsor, NSW, Australia


.com, .net, .org etc domains start at A$20/year


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