Hello list,

I put up a simple example page at this address:
and I have been working on fixing the bugs in IE 6. Usually I have no
trouble doing this but today I can't seem to figure things out. First,
the main content section does not come out tall enough, so the bottom
background image gets cut off. I used a combination of hasLayout
triggers + float containment on this section to make things work, but
I don't understand why my background image still gets cut off. Second,
the text in the right sidebar does not wrap properly, so I either have
to use overflow:hidden or break this text. This comes from two block
elements that have been given "display:inline" to make them behave
like one text element. Third, the images are supposed to be vertically
centered in their gray boxes, but this doesn't happen in IE 6... any idea
what's needed to make this work?

Any help solving these three problems would be greatly appreciated!

Christian Montoya
mappdev.com :: christianmontoya.net

Christian Montoya
mappdev.com :: christianmontoya.net

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