On 12 Dec 2005, at 12:35 AM, Anthony Ettinger wrote:
you can include the much utilized "Skip to content" link at the top of the page.

This *still* doesn't solve the problem of how to move up and down the first level menu items. The standard keys (tab, for most of us) go through the entire menu, one must use the arrow keys to skip the submenus, and that is not obvious for users. In Opera the submenus do not appear when focussed - i.e. there is no visual feedback that you are on a submenu.

If one collects the link list (usual practice for screen reader and lynx users) every link on the page is returned - that's the site map disguised as a menu - and that is just not helpful for finding your way around. To illustrate: the udm4 homepage has 128 links, the download link is number 113. If I want to read the section on expanding menus, the worst case is I have to press tab round 270 times, or guess how many times I need to press 'page down' to reduce my tabbing.

kind regards
Terrence Wood.

On 12/10/05, Terrence Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 8 Dec 2005, at 11:20 AM, Rebecca Cox wrote:
> I agree - vast lists not a good thing. However, if you have to use
> them, and also have to present them as dropdown menus, have you looked
> at UDM?
> See http://www.udm4.com/

UDM is the nicest js menu around.... biggest problem is, apart from not
working in Opera (the onfocus doesn't fire), how do you let users know
how to use it (using arrow keys is not obvious)?

And it still doesn't solve the issue of page weight due to having the
site map load with every page.

Drop down menu's - just avoid them.

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