> Let me get it off my chest - I use frames sometimes!

You're not alone, although admittedly I didn't get to make the decision :)
> However, what I want to know is, which browsers don't support frames? 

As far as I know all of the common browsers support frames, but you're
forgetting that it's not just "browsers" you need to think about.

Many search engine bots act like Lynx - ie. what you see in Lynx is
roughly what a search engine sees. I know for sure that Google uses
the <noframes> content in its result listings.

It's no big deal though, just make sure you have meaningful content
inside your <noframes>, including a link to your navigation document.
Give your framesets meaningful names/titles and you should be ok.

I'm not entirely sure about handheld and mobile devices, although I
think someone has already suggested they may not support frames. Given
that I'm highly unfashionable and don't use my mobile for anything
other than phone calls and sms I can't really comment :)


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